Windows Vista questions about Task bar and Internet Explorer IE 7



Helping a friend with a new laptop running Windows Vista--still like
XP so much better.

In any event I notice that the task bar for Windows (bottom of screen)
disappears a times when IE 7 is launched. Not sure why..

Perhaps it is because I changed resolution on the laptop so IE fills
the screen more, but that does not really make sense to me.

Am not running IE in Full Screen mode. Just regular mode.

Any ideas or tricks appreciated.

Thank you,


Helping a friend with a new laptop running Windows Vista--still like
XP so much better.

In any event I notice that the task bar for Windows (bottom of screen)
disappears a times when IE 7 is launched. Not sure why..

Perhaps it is because I changed resolution on the laptop so IE fills
the screen more, but that does not really make sense to me.

Am not running IE in Full Screen mode. Just regular mode.

Any ideas or tricks appreciated.

Thank you,

Right click Start Orb>properties>Taskbar. Check to see that "keep taskbar on
top of other windows" is checked.


Thanks. I am not in front of Vista right now but do not recall seeing
keep taskbar on other Windows like it says in XP. Will check again.

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