Windows Vista Email not Loading



I have been having a problem loading my Windows Mail since I did an automatic
update. I keep getting various error messages. Is there a way I can
uninstall Windows mail, and then re-install the whole application? It seemed
to be a .dll file, and then it was an .exe file. I can't seem to get it to
run!!! Any help would be greatly appreaciated!

Rick Rogers

Hi Bethany,

Sorry, but no, you can't uninstall and reinstall Windows Mail. It's an
embedded application. Exactly what error message are you seeing? Have you
tried uninstalling the updates you recently loaded?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts


I have been having a problem loading my Windows Mail since I did an
update. I keep getting various error messages. Is there a way I can
uninstall Windows mail, and then re-install the whole application? It
to be a .dll file, and then it was an .exe file. I can't seem to get it
run!!! Any help would be greatly appreaciated!

You can try uninstalling the updates that caused the problem then do a
system restore to before the updates were installed. If that fixes things,
then reinstall the updates one at a time. The problem might not reoccur
that way, or you can isolate which update is causing the problem.

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