Windows User Accounts/User Names Invisible/Disappeared



Please Help. I actually have 2 issues on 2 PCs with Windows XP Professional. I will post 1 issue here.

System Information
Desktop PC. ASUS Motherboard, 512 MB ram, Intel 2GHz Processor, 2 Hard-drives.... Running Windows XP Pro

System is used as a File Server, Again, running Win XP Pro. The system was running for about 1 year without any issue(s). Today, I went to log-in to the PC via Network Neighborhood, from my laptop, and I was unable to get in with any of my passwords. I went to go reboot the PC and when the Log-in screen came up (Username selection screen), there are NO USERNAMES to select. The entire right hand side of the screen is blank. I tried to do another reboot no luck. All of the usernames are GONE/Invisible/No longer available. I tried to do a safe mode reboot but am always transported to the User Name selection screen (where I cant select anything except shut down the PC).

Is this some sort of Virus? Can I get back into the PC anyhow? Can I copy over files from another PC and use a floppy to create a new user ID to log in to the corrupt PC so that I can see what happened?

PLEASE HELP. I can pull the spare drive from the PC (where all the files are stored) HOWEVER, I also have a large number of files on the primary drive which I cant get into.


Paul said:
I don't know if you have sovled you problem. I had the exact same thing
come up. Since you received no response I assumed it was a new virus, but
went back on the earlier questions and found a similar problem on 2/17/04,
which indicates it is not a virus. There were several responses that did
not help at first, but one suggested using ctrl-alt-del. Even though I have
my computer set to not require this, I did it and the log-in dialogue came
up and I got in. The other responses were then very useful to reset,
however I don't intend to shut off my computer again.

Please quote the post you are replying to - a large proportion of users here
do NOT use the web access.

Thank you.


Gordon Yu asked what message I was referring to.

I am not sure what information you need . I cut and paste the top of the message I was refering and put it below this message if that will help.

Basically, the problem is the windows opens to the login screen but there are no usernames listed and we can not get into the windows desktop. If you have any insight to this it would be helpful

Written by Nagyd
Subject: Windows User Accounts/User Names Invisible/Disappeared 5/16/2004 10:14 AM PST

By: Nagyde (search by author) In: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support

Please Help. I actually have 2 issues on 2 PCs with Windows XP Professional. I will post 1 issue here.

System Information


----- Gordon wrote: ----

Paul said:
I don't know if you have sovled you problem. I had the exact same thin
come up. Since you received no response I assumed it was a new virus, bu
went back on the earlier questions and found a similar problem on 2/17/04
which indicates it is not a virus. There were several responses that di
not help at first, but one suggested using ctrl-alt-del. Even though I hav
my computer set to not require this, I did it and the log-in dialogue cam
up and I got in. The other responses were then very useful to reset
however I don't intend to shut off my computer again

Please quote the post you are replying to - a large proportion of users her
do NOT use the web access

Thank you


Paul said:
Gordon Yu asked what message I was referring to.

I am not sure what information you need . I cut and paste the top of the
message I was refering and put it below this message if that will help.
Basically, the problem is the windows opens to the login screen but there
are no usernames listed and we can not get into the windows desktop. If you
have any insight to this it would be helpful.
What I was referring to, was when you click "Reply" in the web access to
newsgroups, the post you are replying to is automatically included in the
"compose" screen. It is Usenet custom to do this so that others can follow
the discussion easily.

You must log in using the built-in Administrator account. (This account
cannot be deleted). Boot up into Safe Mode (tap F8 when you switch on and a
menu should appear giving you this option). When you have logged on (the
password is blank by the way unless you know differently) you can then
re-create Users for daily use.


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