Windows Updates! time settings! error message:(0x800C0008)??



I've just start getting Error Message when I go and try to get Windows Updates!
Everything was fine, I didnt do any Windows updtaes or nothing !! "Last Windows Updates"
I did was (KB831167) like 3 weeks ago... and I had no problem.
I just started my PC and decided to check for Antivirus and Windows Updates
which is the first thing I always do.. I don't know what is it and how that happened !!The message is
! Windows Update Erro
Windows Updates has encountered an error. This maybe due to discrepancy
in your coumputer's time settings
Send an error message to Microsoft:(0x800C0008) !!!!!!!!!!! lo

Well. I just checked and updated my date and time///
Synchronized with: on 5/5/2004 at 12:39 am successfully
But, Im still getting same error message when I go to Windows Update
Any Help Please..


Hii Kell
No I havenot changed the language recently,, but I found a solution,, lol@m
~ I Found A Solution
when you go to Windows updates @
Just add the letter: s after http so that would become
then click on Go, That will take you to nonsecure/no certificate pag
accept terms and conditions, Now it will scan for Updates.
(Do Not Get Any Update/ Do Not Download nor Install Any Update Now
(Close the Page = Then Restart Windows Updates
Now It Will Work and You can Do Updates - download and install successfull
Good Luc


Kelly You're most welcom
I should Thank Yo
You have always helped me and helped others,, You're the bes

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