Windows update scan fails



I have WinXP Pro, with IE6. They are both - I believe - fairly
up-to-date with their patches. When I go to
and run the scan to search for available updates, it fails with the
following message:

"Windows Update Error

Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested

Select from any of the following pages for information about Windows
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Send error number to Microsoft (0x800A138F)"

I checked the update troubleshooter, and none of their fixes do the
trick. I checked the Knowledgebase, and nothing there has fixed this. I
uninstalled my virus protection, and the Windows Update scan still fails
with the same message, and I have reset IE6 to defaults, and get the
same message. I've also tried going back to previous restore points, to
no avail. Does anyone have any ideas?


-the small one

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Sharon said:
I see from your headers that you're using the Gecko browser. What browser
are you using to access the Update site? Have you tried it with IE yet?
Turned off all internet helpers while visiting?

There is a newsgroup specifically for Windows Update that may be of more
help in finding an answer for this. It is available via NNTP as well.
Here's the HTTP link:

Well, I found the solution to my problem - and there appears to be many
possible solutions. My particular solution is that I was blocking in my Hosts file. Once I removed that block, it worked fine.

What a pain!

-the small one

All postings carry no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied.
Proceed at your own risk, and perform system and data backups prior to
making changes to your system, and on a regular basis, to protect your


I had exactly the same error message and after several
days and several hours of on-line trouble shooting fixes
with both Dell and Microsoft with no solution, I noticed
that the date and time on my notebook were not correct.
I set the correct time and date, and lo and behold,
Windows Update worked perfectly. Good Luck.

Sharon F

Well, I found the solution to my problem - and there appears to be many
possible solutions. My particular solution is that I was blocking in my Hosts file. Once I removed that block, it worked fine.

What a pain!

When I checked your error at the Windows Update site, I saw it was
described as a "generic error." Kind of a catchall for anything that
doesn't fall into a more specific item. That can make troubleshooting

The servers were added to handle the mad rush of updating since
the onset of blaster. Many folks had it in their HOSTS lists and had to
remove it.

Am glad to hear that you got this worked out.

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