Windows Update not working



Although I saw a few pleas for help, I didn't see any solutions to this
problem. Windows Update is not working. When I navigate to the site
I get the "Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update Software"
screen. It just sits there for a bit, with the word "Done" in the lower left
then "Done" goes away and the screen remains... no listed updates, no
prompts, no error messages, nothing.
In March, 2005, I was running SP2 and having no problems. In April, one
morning the computer wouldn't boot and I had to do a System Recovery. As a
result, I found I was back on SP1. I was finally able to find a download for
SP2, ran it and since then have been having several problems, including no
Windows Update capability.

Sharon F

Although I saw a few pleas for help, I didn't see any solutions to this
problem. Windows Update is not working. When I navigate to the site
I get the "Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update Software"
screen. It just sits there for a bit, with the word "Done" in the lower left
then "Done" goes away and the screen remains... no listed updates, no
prompts, no error messages, nothing.
In March, 2005, I was running SP2 and having no problems. In April, one
morning the computer wouldn't boot and I had to do a System Recovery. As a
result, I found I was back on SP1. I was finally able to find a download for
SP2, ran it and since then have been having several problems, including no
Windows Update capability.

There is a separate and active newsgroup for Windows Update:


Thank you. I scanned previous requests for help and found the solution to my

Sharon F

Thank you. I scanned previous requests for help and found the solution to my

You're welcome and I'm glad to hear that you were able to find a solution
to your problem.


Hi Dino,
Click on the link Sharon gave

In the Search box enter "and your post has fixed it!" including quotation
You should get just one thread dated 5/10/2005, containing 23 (or more)
posts and
labeled "1 helpful".
Open the thread. The response 5th from the top is in blue and from Patti
Follow her instructions. You have to open Start/Run 12 separate times.
Good Luck!

PS: Concurrent with no WU, Shut Down was taking about 2 minutes when before
the System Recovery/Re-installation of SP2 was taking about 10-15 seconds.
Patti's fix for the no WU problem also fixed my slow shut down :)
May 24, 2005
Reaction score

to sharon fix for your update problem internet explorer windows update after 2 mins nothing happens

go to tools internet options click security green x contols should be medium click slider contol as low as it will go close then click page refresh update should be working now dont FOR GET TO RESET X CONTOLS WHEN

Sharon F

On Tue, 24 May 2005 12:45:13 +0100,
to sharon fix for your update problem internet explorer windows update
after 2 mins nothing happens

go to tools internet options click security green x contols should be
medium click slider contol as low as it will go close then click page
refresh update should be working now dont FOR GET TO RESET X CONTOLS

Thanks for your contribution (a good point that you bring up), Chuck, but I
wasn't the OP with an update problem.

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