Windows update freezes



I reinstalled Windows XP from CD-Rom, and registered my software.

When using the Windows Update Web site I receive a dialog box that states:
"Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update software...".

Windows Update freezes at this point.

I don't use any firewall and Microsoft firewall is disabled.
Can you help me ?

Ted Zieglar

As you might imagine, the Windows Update servers are pretty busy right now,
so keep trying at different times of the day and you'll eventually get

Note that registraion is not required to use Windows XP, however you must
activate the product, if you have not already done so.

Ted Zieglar

Ted Zieglar

Open Windows Update and click on 'Help and support' on the left hand side of
the window.

Ted Zieglar


I too have the same problem. Microsoft are trying to
sort it out through online help but so far none of the
solutions have worked. Please let me know if you get a
fix. All this started after installing SP2

Also Auto Update is set but Security center reports a
problem and says please check auto update in Control panel
although it has been set.

Martin Miller


I too get same thing after installing SP2.

Windows updatw help offer no solution that fixes it


I too get same thing after installing SP2.

Windows updatw help offer no solution that fixes it


Thanks, I tried the Help & Support before posting the question. I was
curious as the whether or not you had a suggestion. I have since sent an
email to Microsoft to see if they can help. It sure is frastrating.

Ted Zieglar

I wish I could help you more. I've had Windows Update freeze on me a few
times. I just try again later and it works.

Ted Zieglar

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