Windows update and svchost.exe problem


Robert Nichols

Everytime I try to get updates from windows 2000
(professional) update one of the svchost.exe programs
crashes and update just hangs or goes incredibly slowly
and never finishes.

I have a firewall and Norton Antivirus running which
continuosly finds and blocks viruses while connected to
windows update site

Any ideas?

Bob I

Sounds like you are clicking on one of those links that the virus
writers are e-mailing to everybody. NEVER, NEVER click on those!


Not true I had exactly the same problem and I could only
shut down with the power button, the problem has partly
cleared but I can only shut down with the power button

---Original Message-----
Sounds like you are clicking on one of those links that the virus
writers are e-mailing to everybody. NEVER, NEVER click
Everytime I try to get updates from windows 2000
(professional) update one of the svchost.exe programs
crashes and update just hangs or goes incredibly slowly
and never finishes.

I have a firewall and Norton Antivirus running which
continuosly finds and blocks viruses while connected to
windows update site

Any ideas?



are you sure that you do not have msblaster on your machine

task manager

look for the word blaster and kill the process
download the fix and apply
download the patch and apply

dave said:
Not true I had exactly the same problem and I could only
shut down with the power button, the problem has partly
cleared but I can only shut down with the power button

---Original Message-----




when you shutdown, does your PC go through the normal process until
all dialog boxes disappear, but the power remains on? If so, your
internet connection may be keeping your system alive. You should
terminate your connection then shut down.

for example, if you are running Earthlink total Access 2004, you will
have to manually terminate this program through taskman to close the
net connection. Then shutdown can proceed normally.

There are numerous knowledgebase articles on how to troubleshoot
shutdown problems. Query MSDN knowledgebase "tshoot shutdown" It's
a many step process. You will need a copy of msconfig that runs
win2K, the one from XP works fine.


Not true I had exactly the same problem and I could only
shut down with the power button, the problem has partly
cleared but I can only shut down with the power button

---Original Message-----


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