Windows shuts down while booting up/logging in



This problem may/may not be due to a virus/trojan. A user opened an
attachment from a trusted email address and the computer shut down abruptly.
The machine is running XP Pro and Norton Anti-virus with all of the latest
patches/updates. The machine now just shuts down abruptly (usually shortly
after login while windows appears to be loading startup programs), with no
error messages when trying to reboot.

I tried booting from safe mode, but it also shuts down while trying to boot
(never even gets to login screen). I have also tried booting to a restore cd,
which also fails while it is loading the driver files. Any ideas what might
be causing the problem and how to fix it, because a friend of mine had a very
similar problem and gave up. They had w2k on their machine and tried
reinstalling windows, but still had the same problem.

Thank you

Will Denny


Nothing else could have the problem - new software/hardware that was
installed just prior to the problem starting? Have you contacted the person
who sent the email to verify that it was in fact from them and not their
addy being spoofed?

The XP CD you have tried - is it a 'Recovery' CD or an OEM CD?


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


There several ways to start up in a safe mode.
This article mentions several.
Try Safe Mode Enable VGA loads default video
Try Enable boot log
Also, Try "Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure ( I don't see this
one in article but should be listed on Safe Boot Menu


No software or hardware was installed on the PC prior to today's problem. I
tried booting to an OEM CD of XP Pro, because I didnt want to perform a full
windows recovery procedure. I was hoping that I would be able to get to a
command prompt where I could at least try some diagnostic apps like

The length of time that the system is running seems to have gone done since
earlier this morning. I even tried booting the PC using a disk diagnostic CD
that I have from Seagate. The diagnostic utility loads fine and the test
begins, but then the PC shuts off again with no warning. I have checked to
make sure the fans are running in case maybe the PC was overheating. Both
vents have air flow, so I'm wondering if there is a temperature sensor that
might be malfunctioning?


FYI, I just tried booting again and the current uptime is ~1 min 45 secs
before system shuts off.


No errors messages or alarms before it shuts down (this isn't a standard
windows shutdown btw, it just turns off). Also, no error messages of any kind
when turning the pc on either, ie "no checking disk because windows didnt
load/shutdown properly."

I'm inclined to believe that it might be hardware related after some more
searching on the net. The hardware choices are problems with Fan(s) or Power
Supply. Both PCs that I know of, with this type of problem were from DELL
(may not be relavent, but they've been getting a bad rep over the last few
years) and they were both over 3 years old.

No warranty left, so I'm hoping that swapping a power supply will fix it.
Thanks for the suggestions and I'll post again if the problem persists after
swapping hardware.

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