Windows only giving half processor speed...



Okay... this is random... but, sometimes, Windows XP only runs at half my processor speed... I have an AMD XP 2100+ processor off of a SOYO Dragon Plus KT333 should run at around 1.73 mHZ and sometimes, it does... other times it only runs at 866... Now, I thought this might be a problem with the clocking speeds, so I went into BIOS and set them manually.. and still, I get this problem... I've tried everything I know how to do.. and I cant figure out why sometimes it works right, and sometimes it doesnt....


XP has no control over processor speed.. third party programs that report
system configurations do not always get it right,, this is not an XP issue..

Skibbles said:
Okay... this is random... but, sometimes, Windows XP only runs at half my
processor speed... I have an AMD XP 2100+ processor off of a SOYO Dragon
Plus KT333 should run at around 1.73 mHZ and sometimes, it
does... other times it only runs at 866... Now, I thought this might be a
problem with the clocking speeds, so I went into BIOS and set them
manually.. and still, I get this problem... I've tried everything I know how
to do.. and I cant figure out why sometimes it works right, and sometimes it


Some processors may slow down if the heat builds up. Try running another fan
and check for slowdown.


You posted to me, but it is not me that has the problem.. what is more, even
if the cpu was running hot, its performance might suffer but that would not
induce the system to recognise it for something that it is not, i.e a 1,7ghz
would not be seen as an 866mhz..

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