Windows minimize wrong



When I click the minimize button in the upper right hand
part of the open pane, it minimizes into just the blue
bar instead of a smalle window. Is there a way to change
the default minimized size or to keep the whole window
from shrinking to just the title bar of the pane? Thanks.

David Candy

Right click the title bar and choose minimise there.

If it still happens drag it to the size you want.

David Candy

Actually I don't understand your question. Minimise puts it on the taskbar. It disappers elsewhere.


Sorry, I'll try to clarify. I don't mean minimizing to
the taskbar. When I drag the mouse over the middle
button in the top right of the panel (where the minimize
and close buttons are), a little note that says Restore
Down comes up. I click that button, and intead of
shrinking the window so that I can move it, it collapses
the window so that only the title bar is visible. Also,
new windows open up as just the blue title bar. That


trips said:
When I click the minimize button in the upper right hand
part of the open pane, it minimizes into just the blue
bar instead of a smalle window. Is there a way to change
the default minimized size or to keep the whole window
from shrinking to just the title bar of the pane? Thanks.

What you have to do is to *grab* the corners of the window and drag
it to the size you want it to be when you click Restore Down. Then
the button will work, but once you do that, the program will always
open in the smaller size and you will have to constantly click the
button to get a full screen.


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