Windows media player 9 rates itself?1



I just noticed a peculiar feature of windows media
player. When I put it into random shuffle mode it ups
the ratings of the songs it chooses randomly. How stupid.

zachd [ms]

Actually, it makes its own sense:
There are ratings you set - the solid yellow ratings. Those are only set by
you and WMP won't adjust those.
If you haven't set a rating but play a track from start to finish, the
autorating count (the translucent yellow rating) will increase from the
default 3 to 4. It won't go higher or further, and provides a reasonable
estimate of what tracks you are *actually* playing.

If you *do* want to maximize the usefulness of ratings, just rate your
tracks. WMP won't adjust the ratings any further for you after you do that.

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
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