Windows Mail



I have just purchased a new PC with Vista Business. I'm having issues with
the Windows Mail program.

First, I'm unable to delete certain incoming emails from the folder. There
is no rhyme or reason as to which I can and cannot delete when I no longer
need them. I keep getting a message that Windows Mail cannot open mail, and
I am prevented from deleting the mail items.

Secondly, the Windows Mail program will not stay open on my
desktop...closing itself without any prompting from me.

Any suggestions???

Goodness, I miss Outlook Express!

Jan Besar

David S. schreef :
I have just purchased a new PC with Vista Business. I'm having issues with
the Windows Mail program.

First, I'm unable to delete certain incoming emails from the folder. There
is no rhyme or reason as to which I can and cannot delete when I no longer
need them. I keep getting a message that Windows Mail cannot open mail, and
I am prevented from deleting the mail items.

Secondly, the Windows Mail program will not stay open on my
desktop...closing itself without any prompting from me.

Any suggestions???

Goodness, I miss Outlook Express!
David will be the propper NG B-)


Yes, windows mail sucks, as there is nothing you can do with it. (it doesn't
support web mail, the most popular format that people use) so go with ian
and use live mail.

live mail has so many more features, and it was said by Microsoft they will
replace windows mail with live mail in the up coming months. whith i think is
a good idea, as windows mail is very limited. hell, they should have replaced
it from the start.

Steve Cochran

The deletion problem is a known issue. For stuck outbox messages see

The shutdown problem is likely related to antivirus software. See It appears that neither McAfee nor Norton are
compatible with WinMail and they should be uninstalled and substituted with
less invasive software.



windows live mail looks great I installed it accept I have one problem with
it. How do you import contacts on it I didn't see a import feature for
contacts am I missing something?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

David S. said:
I have just purchased a new PC with Vista Business. I'm having issues with
the Windows Mail program.

First, I'm unable to delete certain incoming emails from the folder.
is no rhyme or reason as to which I can and cannot delete when I no longer
need them. I keep getting a message that Windows Mail cannot open mail,
I am prevented from deleting the mail items.

Secondly, the Windows Mail program will not stay open on my
desktop...closing itself without any prompting from me.

The best thing to do is ignore them.

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. It provides no
protection not provided by the regular resident protection. Beside that,
McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail.

If you are not willing to just ignore them, the only way is to delete both
copies of the database (which does not contain the messages, but only
references to them) and let WinMail rebuild it.
First close WinMail, then use Task Manager to make sure there are no
instances of it under applications or processes.
Then click Start | Search | Advanced Search
Check the box to include non-indexed, hidden and system files.
In the Name field type WindowsMail.MSMessageStore and click the Search
It should show you two copies. Delete both of them and re-open WinMail.
Note: some people report not being able to recover messages after doing

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