Windows Mail will NOT send email to hotmail... PLEASE help.

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I recently tested out "outlook" and then "windows mail".

It turns out that outlook and windows mail does NOT deliver email to hotmail
recipients. Every single other email client I tested delivered email to
hotmail just fine except for outlook and windows mail. This is a BIG problem
because I have many customers who email me from hotmail and I cannot send
them a reply or communicate with them. This is ridiculous.

When I use thebat, pocomail, foxmail e.t.c ALL those other email clients
deliver email just fine to hotmail... so why doesn't outlook and windows
mail? I remember somebody mentioned the reason why... but I forgot and more
importantly how to make outlook and windows mail deliver my emails to hotmail

I tried looking up the answer... but I still don't understand how to fix this?
There is no reason that Outlook and Winmail cannot send to hotmail accounts.
Do you get any error messages?
Can you send to anyone else?
Who is your ISP?
I send to hotmail addresses all the time from my standard IP email address.
no problems doing that.

(e-mail address removed)

Wow, that's horrible. Some type of discrimination?
Thanks for the response. No, I never receive any error messages whatsoever...
the mail simply never arrives to any hotmail recipients. The odd thing is
that I will setup my email account in ANY other email client such as thebat,
pocomail, euroda, thunderbird and ALL of these email clients deliver my email
to hotmail just fine with NO problems. BUT when I use outlook or windows
mail... these two specific email clients will NOT deliver my email to hotmail.

This is EXTREMELY strange not to mention that it makes NO sense. I am
testing all of the email clients out with the SAME email account and I am
setting it up correctly. Therefore it cannot be blamed on my email account
since the email account works perfectly fine in all those other email clients.

Do you have ANY idea what the problem could be? I'm using bellsouth as my
ISP and or as the outgoing smtp.

I would like to use windows mail however I cannot use it when it REFUSES to
send ANY of my email to somebody who uses hotmail. That is absurd not to
mention this problem is driving me absolutely crazy! :(

It's been like this for a VERY long time now. Back when I had XP I could
deliver mail to hotmail just fine using outlook express but NEVER with
outlook or windows mail. These two specific email clients just NEVER send my
email to hotmail... crazy!!! It's been like this since day one.

If anybody has any idea what the problem could be I'd be REALLY grateful.
Juliet said:
Thanks for the response. No, I never receive any error messages whatsoever...
the mail simply never arrives to any hotmail recipients. The odd thing is
that I will setup my email account in ANY other email client such as thebat,
pocomail, euroda, thunderbird and ALL of these email clients deliver my email
to hotmail just fine with NO problems. BUT when I use outlook or windows
mail... these two specific email clients will NOT deliver my email to hotmail.

This is EXTREMELY strange not to mention that it makes NO sense. I am
testing all of the email clients out with the SAME email account and I am
setting it up correctly. Therefore it cannot be blamed on my email account
since the email account works perfectly fine in all those other email clients.

Do you have ANY idea what the problem could be? I'm using bellsouth as my
ISP and or as the outgoing smtp.

I would like to use windows mail however I cannot use it when it REFUSES to
send ANY of my email to somebody who uses hotmail. That is absurd not to
mention this problem is driving me absolutely crazy! :(

It's been like this for a VERY long time now. Back when I had XP I could
deliver mail to hotmail just fine using outlook express but NEVER with
outlook or windows mail. These two specific email clients just NEVER send my
email to hotmail... crazy!!! It's been like this since day one.

If anybody has any idea what the problem could be I'd be REALLY grateful.
Hi Juliet, I hate to suggest this but I would start with BellSouth (AT&T).
I have had a problem with them blocking my mail from one source only. Dial
their number and hit the "O" at your earliest opportunity to get Customer
Service - even if it is in New Delhi. They can really help. If you get a
rep that you find difficult to understand, just politely hang up and call

Good luck,

To rule out Bellsouth as the problem, get a free account with
Gmail and try sending from the WinMail Gmail account to a
Hotmail recipient.

I have never heard of this particular problem. If there were a large
number of WinMail or Outlook users unable to send to Hotmail
recipients, you'd have a firestorm of complaints like yours in
this forum.

Gary VanderMolen
Gary VanderMolen said:
To rule out Bellsouth as the problem, get a free account with
Gmail and try sending from the WinMail Gmail account to a
Hotmail recipient.

I have never heard of this particular problem. If there were a large
number of WinMail or Outlook users unable to send to Hotmail
recipients, you'd have a firestorm of complaints like yours in
this forum.

Gary VanderMolen
Sorry for the double post, my other post was in error.

But how can bellsouth be the problem? Because if bellsouth were to blame
then how come I can send email to hotmail just fine using thebat, pocomail or
the euroda email client? I can send to hotmail just fine using those email
clients. So if bellsouth were really the problem then I wouldn't be able to
send email to hotmail using ANY and every single email client I tried and
that's NOT the case.

It's only when I'm using outlook or windows mail that I cannot send to
hotmail. When using other email clients I have NO problem sending to hotmail.

Do you see what I'm saying now?

Thanks for your help.
I am grasping at straws, since (as I said) I've never heard of this
particular problem before. Theoretically, a misguided spam filter
at the Bellsouth mail server could look at the X-Mailer header
and use that to discriminate between email client programs.

If anyone else has a more feasible scenario, I'd like to see it.

Gary VanderMolen
one question Juliet, are you trying to set up an account for hotmail or just use the person's hotmail address to sent mail to.
WM does not allow hotmail HTTP accounts to be created.
if you are just using the (e-mail address removed) for sending mail it is different problem.

(e-mail address removed)

Sorry for the double post, my other post was in error.

But how can bellsouth be the problem? Because if bellsouth were to blame
then how come I can send email to hotmail just fine using thebat, pocomail or
the euroda email client? I can send to hotmail just fine using those email
clients. So if bellsouth were really the problem then I wouldn't be able to
send email to hotmail using ANY and every single email client I tried and
that's NOT the case.

It's only when I'm using outlook or windows mail that I cannot send to
hotmail. When using other email clients I have NO problem sending to hotmail.

Do you see what I'm saying now?

Thanks for your help.
Juliet sounds like a technically savvy user since she is familiar
with TheBat, PocoMail and the Eudora email clients.

Gary VanderMolen

one question Juliet, are you trying to set up an account for hotmail or just use the person's hotmail address to sent mail to.
WM does not allow hotmail HTTP accounts to be created.
if you are just using the (e-mail address removed) for sending mail it is different problem.

(e-mail address removed)

Sorry for the double post, my other post was in error.
But how can bellsouth be the problem? Because if bellsouth were to blame
then how come I can send email to hotmail just fine using thebat, pocomail or
the euroda email client? I can send to hotmail just fine using those email
clients. So if bellsouth were really the problem then I wouldn't be able to
send email to hotmail using ANY and every single email client I tried and
that's NOT the case.
It's only when I'm using outlook or windows mail that I cannot send to
hotmail. When using other email clients I have NO problem sending to hotmail.
Do you see what I'm saying now?
This is very puzzling...

Just a shot in the dark... have you looked at your message rules, and Junk
email options?
maybe something in there is set to ignore hotmail incoming, and may somehow
be affecting outgoing????
I'm back. Sorry for the delay in responding. To answer someone's question,
I'm NOT trying to setup any hotmail accounts in windows mail... I'm simply
trying to send email to a hotmail recipient email address. But I have an
interesting update.

Yesterday all of a sudden I could send email to a hotmail recipient just
fine with windows mail. But then all of a sudden today I CANNOT!!! My email
simply NEVER arrives into the hotmail recipient inbox. This is EXTREMELY
frustrating. Why would it work yesterday but then suddenly not today???

It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever that ALL email clients send email to
hotmail just fine every single time... but literally 98% of the time outlook
and windows mail will NOT deliver my email to hotmail.

I am getting extremely fed up and am on the verge of giving up on using
those two email clients and perhaps using thebat email client or thunderbird
insead. Just that I liked windows mail :(

This also is NOT a recent's been like this since day one... for
at least an entire year now I've noticed.

Also, I did notice that windows mail in vista is quite buggy. I have 3 email
accounts setup (one for each of my 3 websites) and each email account has a
unique sig of course but windows mail constantly places the WRONG sig for the
email account. VERY frustrating!!! So I have to manually tell it which sig it
must put for that email account or it will get it wrong. It ALWAYS uses the
default sig for ALL 3 of my accounts... it IGNORES my setting that specifies
which sig belongs to which account.

Did they NOT fully test vista and windows mail before releasing it. Arggghh!!!

Not only that but lucky me had the vista START MENU bug where all the
programs literally vanished from my start menu. Here is a link to other
people having this same vista bug and when I called microsoft they say they
don't plan on having a fix for it even though they are AWARE of that specific
bug. Unbelievable. Here is the link:

So now I have ZERO programs in my START MENU in both classic view or vista
view. Nothing functions! All 20+ of my programs... gone form the START MENU
And I'm back again. Sorry looks like I spoke too soon and just figured out
the problem. I now see that not even thunderbird sends email to hotmail all
the time... ow that won't send to hotmail either.

I now think the problem lies with hotmail and NOT the email clients. Now
that makes a LOT more sense. I think hotmail is just a lousy free mail
function service which works sometimes if you're lucky.

If you google hotmail email problems there are TONS upon tons of complaints
that hotmail works one second but then doesn't. Sometimes doesn't recieve nor
send email for no valid reason. So I think the problem has been hotmail this
whole time. Go figure!

Now if only I could figure out why windows mail will NOT function correctly
with signatures that would be great. Then I can continue to use windows mail
which is what I want but not when the signatures feature is so buggy :(

The whole point I'm using this feature is so that I don't have to manually
type my sig nor have to click here and there and make it place the correct
sig with the correct account. That's a hassle and it should be doing that on
its own! :(
are you sure that it is NEVER getting there or possibly it is extremely slow in getting there.
I have found hotmail to be SLOW on occasions to the point of taking 2 days for an email to arrive. and the next time it arrives to the same party in hours.,

(e-mail address removed)

I'm back. Sorry for the delay in responding. To answer someone's question,
I'm NOT trying to setup any hotmail accounts in windows mail... I'm simply
trying to send email to a hotmail recipient email address. But I have an
interesting update.

Yesterday all of a sudden I could send email to a hotmail recipient just
fine with windows mail. But then all of a sudden today I CANNOT!!! My email
simply NEVER arrives into the hotmail recipient inbox. This is EXTREMELY
frustrating. Why would it work yesterday but then suddenly not today???

It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever that ALL email clients send email to
hotmail just fine every single time... but literally 98% of the time outlook
and windows mail will NOT deliver my email to hotmail.

I am getting extremely fed up and am on the verge of giving up on using
those two email clients and perhaps using thebat email client or thunderbird
insead. Just that I liked windows mail :(

This also is NOT a recent's been like this since day one... for
at least an entire year now I've noticed.

Also, I did notice that windows mail in vista is quite buggy. I have 3 email
accounts setup (one for each of my 3 websites) and each email account has a
unique sig of course but windows mail constantly places the WRONG sig for the
email account. VERY frustrating!!! So I have to manually tell it which sig it
must put for that email account or it will get it wrong. It ALWAYS uses the
default sig for ALL 3 of my accounts... it IGNORES my setting that specifies
which sig belongs to which account.

Did they NOT fully test vista and windows mail before releasing it. Arggghh!!!

Not only that but lucky me had the vista START MENU bug where all the
programs literally vanished from my start menu. Here is a link to other
people having this same vista bug and when I called microsoft they say they
don't plan on having a fix for it even though they are AWARE of that specific
bug. Unbelievable. Here is the link:

So now I have ZERO programs in my START MENU in both classic view or vista
view. Nothing functions! All 20+ of my programs... gone form the START MENU
Yes, I too have noticed sometimes it takes a VERY long time for the email to
be delivered to hotmail. I'll send an email and it can take up to 24 hours
for it to land in my hotmail inbox. But that's not the problem... it just
simply NEVER arrives in the hotmail inbox at all. Not days later nor weeks
later... just never.
Hotmail in general is very unreliable, which is why I won't ever have
a hotmail address. Yahoo is slightly better, but people would be much
better off using a Gmail address. Still better, get your own domain name,
it's only about $8 per year.

Gary VanderMolen