Windows mail lose account settings



I have been using Vista for quite some time without problems. Very recently
I am starting to have a problem with Windows mail using my e-mail account
settings. A pop up windows will apear for me to cnfirm the settings. The
block to save the settings is ticked. If I tick in the account settings then
the mail will download. The next time that I go to Windows mail the pop up
window will apear again. Even if I re-enter it in Option it will keep on
doing this.

If I do a system restore the it will fix the problem for a couple a days and
then it will happen all over again.

Pleaew help. I am starting to loose my sense of humour.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Theuns said:
I have been using Vista for quite some time without problems. Very
recently I am starting to have a problem with Windows mail using my e-mail
account settings. A pop up windows will apear for me to cnfirm the
settings. The block to save the settings is ticked. If I tick in the
account settings then the mail will download. The next time that I go to
Windows mail the pop up window will apear again. Even if I re-enter it in
Option it will keep on doing this.

If I do a system restore the it will fix the problem for a couple a days
and then it will happen all over again.

Pleaew help. I am starting to loose my sense of humour.

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the regular
resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.


Frank, I do not have any anti-virus running at the moment. When it started
hapening it was the first thing that I checked. When I do run the anti-virus
it is NOD32. This a very strange situation, as I did a system restore +- 5
hrs ago, and since then each and every time I tested Windows Mail it worked
correctly. With the system restore it will stay fixed for 2 to 3 days then
it will go all wrong again. I have read in here about somebody else having
had the same problem some 6-9 months ago, but can not find the post. What
gets me is that when it happens that Windows Mail will take the account
settings, without having to do a system restore, but will not save it, will
give me my mail, but when I return it is still there if one checks the
account settings but the window will pop up. Btw I have 2 e-mail accounts
set up.


Theuns said:
I have been using Vista for quite some time without problems. Very
recently I am starting to have a problem with Windows mail using my e-mail
account settings. A pop up windows will apear for me to cnfirm the
settings. The block to save the settings is ticked. If I tick in the
account settings then the mail will download. The next time that I go to
Windows mail the pop up window will apear again. Even if I re-enter it in
Option it will keep on doing this.

If I do a system restore the it will fix the problem for a couple a days
and then it will happen all over again.

Pleaew help. I am starting to loose my sense of humour.

Whenever WM offers you that prompt for correct PW/UN always click cancel or
no whatever the option is, NEVER click yes or OK, it simply wipes your

Go for the no option on prompt and the try send & receive again later.

Gary VanderMolen

When you say you have no anti-virus running at the moment,
you are probably referring to the AV's on-demand scanning module.
Every AV worth its salt also has a memory resident module that
checks every file access. It is that module that can damage your
email account password store.
One solution for you is to upgrade to Windows Live Mail (WLM),
which is more resistant to the adverse effects of aggressive
antivirus products:
Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Theuns said:
Frank, I do not have any anti-virus running at the moment. When it started
hapening it was the first thing that I checked. When I do run the anti-virus
it is NOD32. This a very strange situation, as I did a system restore +- 5
hrs ago, and since then each and every time I tested Windows Mail it worked
correctly. With the system restore it will stay fixed for 2 to 3 days then
it will go all wrong again. I have read in here about somebody else having
had the same problem some 6-9 months ago, but can not find the post. What
gets me is that when it happens that Windows Mail will take the account
settings, without having to do a system restore, but will not save it, will
give me my mail, but when I return it is still there if one checks the
account settings but the window will pop up. Btw I have 2 e-mail accounts
set up.


Mac, I can see that you know exactly what I am talking about. I have worked
out that you are correct with your advise. The problem is the wife. She
simply does not understand it. Other than changing the wife, (it is an
option, but can not give her away), I have to find a solution.

What you say is correct, but surely if one type in the correct username and
password WM should remember it, which it does not. The question is why not,
as if we know the answer, we may actually fix the problem.


Gary, I have done exactly that. I have changed to WLM for the time being,
BUT believe it or not, I actually prefer WM. I simply have to find the
answer. I have disabled my anti-virus as most of the advice points to a
anti-virus issue, but at this stage, I am 99% sure that it is not the


Theuns said:
Mac, I can see that you know exactly what I am talking about. I have
worked out that you are correct with your advise. The problem is the wife.
She simply does not understand it. Other than changing the wife, (it is an
option, but can not give her away), I have to find a solution.

What you say is correct, but surely if one type in the correct username
and password WM should remember it, which it does not. The question is
why not, as if we know the answer, we may actually fix the problem.

The account may have become corrupt in some way?

Try removing the account altogether, writing down all the settings, server
info etc first.
Close WM.
Then add your account back.


Gary VanderMolen

The only way you can truly eliminate your antivirus as the
source of the problem is to uninstall it. Presumably you can
always reinstall it. Merely disabling it is often not sufficient.

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