Windows Mail - Cannot save attachment




I have just bought a new computer. This is the first attachment I try to
save. I get an error message: "There was a error saving one or more of the
attachments. Please check your free disk space and try again." I tried saving
it in another location and got the same message. Can someone help me in
figuring out what the problem is? Thank you!

Gary VanderMolen

That problem can be caused by interference from an antivirus program.
Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus should be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

Email scanning in any antivirus should be disabled, for reasons
explained here:

If no improvement after disabling email scanning, consider upgrading
to Windows Live Mail, because it is less prone to suffering bad effects
from overly intrusive antivirus programs:


Thanks for this information!

My anti-virus is Windows Live One-Care right now. This is what came with my

Do you think I'll have the same problem if I use Outlook as I used to?

Gary VanderMolen

Thanks for what information?
Much as we'd like to help you, we don't know what you are referring to.

Nedra Bayne

I have the same problem with a new Dell with Vista Home. It worked fine
until a few days ago, when would not let me download or save attachements. I
am sure it is anti-virus related. I installed AVG which is leaner than
Norton or McAfee. First, had to uninstalled McAfee and Norton. I am
guessing that AVG is not the problem but an orphan from Norton. I get the
annoying greeting everytime I start up computer that there is a
"compatibility problem with this version of Vista and Symantec TDI and NDIS

Please help.
Nedra Bayne

Nedra Bayne

I have installed Outlook and it runs fine. But would have preferred to use
Windows Mail that the machine came with and orginally worked.--
Nedra Bayne

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