Windows Installer keeps popping up many times




Can anyone help me please?

I have a pop-up ... Windows Installer ... keeps popping
up approximately 11 times in a row after cancelling.

It happens everytime I open a new page on Internet

I've also lost some programs that I have on my PC such as
Microsoft Word and I think Works Suite as well.
I haven't even checked all of what else I may be missing
programs-wise yet.

Any help for this?
PS: Please email me with PC Help in the subject line.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility;en-us;290301

Visit and scroll down to
Item No. 94 (Windows Installer Fix).

[Courtesy of Kelly Theriot, MS-MVP]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Hi,
| Can anyone help me please?
| I have a pop-up ... Windows Installer ... keeps popping
| up approximately 11 times in a row after cancelling.
| It happens everytime I open a new page on Internet
| Explorer.
| I've also lost some programs that I have on my PC such as
| Microsoft Word and I think Works Suite as well.
| I haven't even checked all of what else I may be missing
| programs-wise yet.
| Any help for this?
| Thanks!!!
| PS: Please email me with PC Help in the subject line.

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