Windows Forms: Nevigating between related tables


David K.

I have a Windows application with ListBox and DataGrid objects in a
form. The ListBox objects gets table A contents while the DataGrid
object gets table B contents. They are both related. Whenever I
highlight a specific row in my ListBox object, the related record in
the DataGrid object is displayed.
Yet, I don't know to accomplish the following:
1. I wish to have an additional TextBox and button in the form. The user
will enter a value in the TextBox, and whenever he clicks the
button, the application will scroll to, and display the desired record
which its primary key contents is equal to the TextBox contents. I use
the VS .NET 2003.
2. I wish to to filter a DataView object (according the value in the
TextBox) and have its contents displayed in ListBox (with the related record
in the DataGrid ).
Any help will be appreciated.


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