Windows Fax & Picture Viewer Prob - Please help if you can - Thanks :0)



I do hope that one of you computer whizz's is going to be able to help
out :0)

I had an email the other day which seemed to do something perculiar to
my PC so I deletd it along with lot of other bits and bobs, including
temporary internet files and some programs in add/remove programs which
it said I rarely used (my 13 year suggested these "fixes" - why did I
listen to him!)

So thought id have a look at some of my pics of my Mum today and
couldnt open them - I lost her last year so when I couldnt open them we
had lots of tears and panic as I ddint have a copy!

I then fathomed out that I can actually open them if I choose to use
the internet to open them, but if I chose this I cant preview them and
it doesnt have all the other bits and bobs that windows and fax viewer

So, ive looked in the add and remove files folder and cant find Winodws
and Fax Viewer and am starting to worry that I may have deleted it -

Could somone possibly have a think about what I can do to get it back
to how it was - i.e using windows and fax viewer to open pictures (jpeg
files) - ive just tried restoring everything in my recycle bin but that
didnt do it so now ive got to take all the rubbish off again!

I have my XP disc and Office disc - but dont now what would happen if I
put them in - i dont want to overwrite all my files, emails and
pictures etc?

I apolgise for not knowing the correct computer speak and hope you can
make sense of this garbled message - any advice would be great but in
layman terms please - im a middle aged Mum who has only just learnt
what a jpeg file is :0)

Wesley Vogel

Visit here...

Read the instructions at the top
Scroll down to
80. Disable or Restore Picture and Fax Viewer
Click on Restore

pictureandfaxrestore.reg is the file that will download.

And try this...

Click Start | Click Run | Paste: regsvr32 shimgvw.dll | Click OK

If that doesn't work, make sure Preview default is set correctly.

When you open an image file in Windows XP the default action is to preview
it using the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.

Value Name: (Default)
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}

Also if that doesn't work...
[[Installing a third-party image editor or viewer applications may sometimes
hijack the image file associations. In those cases, this utility allows you
repair the file associations for the following image file types to Windows
XP defaults:


Repair image file type associations in Windows XP

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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