windows explorer won't start on C:



We just got a new computer. Windows Explorer when
started, starts in My Documents. We want it to start at

We looked on our old computer under Properties of Windows
Explorer (it still starts in C: when executed) and Target
says: %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe
which is what it says on our new computer. I did a
search on this site and found something called: How To:
Customize Windows Explorer in XP and under that there was
an option for: Change the Windows Explorer Default
Startup Folder. It said if I wanted to change it to C:
to change it to:
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\

I did this and it starts on C:, however it doesn't start
in "Folders" mode, and it doesn't show me the entire
computer, just C:.

Since I don't know the syntax for Target, I don't know
how to change it so that it shows the entire computer and
yet starts in C: - I also don't understand why it starts
correctly on the old computer and not this new one.

Thanks in advance for the help.

David Candy

explorer /e,c:\
explorer [/n] [/e][,/root,object][[,/select],subobject]

None Explorer rooted at the Desktop
/n Opens a new window even if a window to the folder is already open. Without this it will switch to an already opened folder.
/e Explorer View (default if nothing else is on the command line.)
/root,object Starts Explorer with object the top item (normally Desktop is the top item). Eg: explorer /e,/root,c:\Starts Explorer with the C drive as the only drive available.
/select,subobject Selects the specified subobject.

Replaceable parameters are %1 (one) which is the short file or folder name and %l (L) which is the long file name.

This is an additional parameter that means a Windows internal structure is being passed. eg:

Explorer.exe /e,/idlist,%IThe %I is a replacable parameter representing an IDLIST.

Rooted Views
To open an explorer item that starts with a special folder as the top folder use the following syntax.

Where the special folder is a sub folder of the desktop

explorer /e,/root,::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is a sub folder of another special folder (usually, if not always My Computer)

explorer /e,/root,::{CLSID of parent}/::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is part of the file system

explorer /e,/root,path to folder
See Namespaces on the Icons Page for a list of CLSIDs for special folders.

Note that /select is inconsistent. Sometime the / is required, sometimes it should be left out, and sometimes it doesn't matter.

Starts explorer with the Windows folder opened and selected.

explorer /e,/select,c:\windowsStarts explorer with Windows the top level folder and command opened and selected.

explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,/select,c:\windows\commandStarts explorer with Windows the top level folder and Tips.txt showing instead of the file listing.

explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,/select,c:\windows\tips.txtStarts explorer with My Computer the top level folder and all branches except for drives collapsed.

explorer /e,/root,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}Starts explorer with C:\ the top level folder.

explorer /e,/root,c:\Starts the Dial Up Networking folder in folder view.

explorer.exe ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}\::{992cffa0-f557-101a-88ec-00dd010ccc48}


Thanks. I got it to work they way I wanted using the
information below.

-----Original Message-----
explorer /e,c:\
explorer [/n] [/e][,/root,object][[,/select],subobject]

None Explorer rooted at the Desktop
/n Opens a new window even if a window to the
folder is already open. Without this it will switch to an
already opened folder.
/e Explorer View (default if nothing else is on the command line.)
/root,object Starts Explorer with object the top
item (normally Desktop is the top item). Eg:
explorer /e,/root,c:\Starts Explorer with the C drive as
the only drive available.
/select,subobject Selects the specified subobject.

Replaceable parameters are %1 (one) which is the short
file or folder name and %l (L) which is the long file
This is an additional parameter that means a Windows
internal structure is being passed. eg:
Explorer.exe /e,/idlist,%IThe %I is a replacable
parameter representing an IDLIST.
Rooted Views
To open an explorer item that starts with a special
folder as the top folder use the following syntax.
Where the special folder is a sub folder of the desktop

explorer /e,/root,::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is a sub folder of another
special folder (usually, if not always My Computer)
explorer /e,/root,::{CLSID of parent}/::{CLSID of special folder}
Where the special folder is part of the file system

explorer /e,/root,path to folder
See Namespaces on the Icons Page for a list of CLSIDs for special folders.

Note that /select is inconsistent. Sometime the / is
required, sometimes it should be left out, and sometimes
it doesn't matter.
Starts explorer with the Windows folder opened and selected.

explorer /e,/select,c:\windowsStarts explorer with
Windows the top level folder and command opened and
explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,/select,c:\windows\commandSt
arts explorer with Windows the top level folder and
Tips.txt showing instead of the file listing.
explorer /e,/root,c:\windows,/select,c:\windows\tips.txtS
tarts explorer with My Computer the top level folder and
all branches except for drives collapsed.
explorer /e,/root,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-
08002b30309d}Starts explorer with C:\ the top level

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