windows explorer problems


Keith G Hicks

I'm still running XP pro Sp3. 2 annoying problems with Windows explorer are
first that when you copy a group of files from one spot to another and it
encounters a problem, the whole copy process halts. The second problem is
similar but related to deleting files. For this reason I've used 3rd party
tools to do much of that sort of thing.

My question is has this been fixed in Windows 7?



Keith G Hicks

I know this is an XP newsgroup but I couldn't find a "7" one and I don't
really give a rip about Vista :).

Paul Randall

Keith G Hicks said:
I know this is an XP newsgroup but I couldn't find a "7" one and I don't
really give a rip about Vista :).

Microsoft doesn't care enough about 7 to allow any 7-related newsgroups at
msnews. It does have some 7-related stuff on some social.whatever web
sites, but there is no standard for such web interfaces so it is kind of

-Paul Randall

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