Windows Explorer defaults to My Documents expanded



I am new to XP, having just changed my PC from an old P2 under Windows 98.
When I open Windows Explorer, it defaults to My Documents at the top, with
the view expanded. As Administrator I work mainly on the C drive so would
prefer to have Windows Explorer open on My Computer with the view expanded. I
have applied Kelly's tweak which puts My Computer at the top of the folder
list, but it is My Documents which is still highlighted and expanded when I
open Windows Explorer. Is it possible to change this default action?


Right-click "My Computer" and create a shortcut. This will always open to My


Ramesh, MS-MVP


By default, Windows Explorer always opens with My Documents. Customize it by
changing the properties for the Windows Explorer icon and replace the Target
field with: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, c:\yourfolder

1. Right click on the icon you use to launch Explorer and select Properties.
2. In the Target box, type:

%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e, path

Where in place of path above you should enter the actual path to the
directory you want open by default. For example C:\Windows, or C:\Documents
and Settings, etc. To have My Computer listed as the default selection, type
explorer.exe /e,

Explorer.exe Command-Line Options for Windows XP

Customize the Windows Explorer Views in Windows XP

Have Windows Explorer Default to the %SystemRoot% Drive When Started:


I have tried to change the default as described but whenever I open Explorer
(Right click Start | Left click Explore) the window opens at C:\Documents and
Settings\User\Start Menu. (Start Menu is highlighted) I would much rather
have it open E:\ since this is where I keep most of my documents.


Kingstonsean said:
I have tried to change the default as described but whenever I open Explorer
(Right click Start | Left click Explore) the window opens at C:\Documents and
Settings\User\Start Menu. (Start Menu is highlighted) I would much rather
have it open E:\ since this is where I keep most of my documents.

It always opens to the referenced folder, in that case, the Start Menu.
You didn't read the instructions..


Perhaps I wasn't clear.

Let me re-state:

I have tried to change the default as described by Ramesh, but whenever I
open Explorer (Right click Start | Left click Explore) the window opens at
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu. (Start Menu is highlighted) I
would much rather have it open E:\ since this is where I keep most of my

I changed the target to: %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e, E:\

BUT, it still opens at C:\Documents and
Settings\User\Start Menu.

So, I did read, AND FOLLOW, the instructions.

Perhaps someone here can offer some helpful advice?

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Kingstonsean said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear.

Let me re-state:

I have tried to change the default as described by Ramesh, but whenever I
open Explorer (Right click Start | Left click Explore) the window opens at
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu. (Start Menu is highlighted) I
would much rather have it open E:\ since this is where I keep most of my

I changed the target to: %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e, E:\

BUT, it still opens at C:\Documents and

So, I did read, AND FOLLOW, the instructions.

Perhaps someone here can offer some helpful advice?

You did NOT follow the instructions. Try"
%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,E:\

If you can't see the difference copy and paste.


Now I see what the issue is. Please re-read my question. I am NOT accessing
Windows Explorer via Start | All Programs | Accessories | Windows Explorer.
I have applied the target switch and if I do access explorer as above, then
it does ope at E:\.

BUT, I prefer to open Explorer as described in my original question: Right
click on "Start", then left click on "Explore". This defaults to
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu (Start Menu is highlighted).

How can I set my system so that Explorer opens at E:\ when I right click on
"Start", then left click on "Explore"?

I have tried the tweak on line 255 in Kelly's Korner and that didn't work

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Kingstonsean said:
Now I see what the issue is. Please re-read my question. I am NOT
Windows Explorer via Start | All Programs | Accessories | Windows
I have applied the target switch and if I do access explorer as above,
it does ope at E:\.

BUT, I prefer to open Explorer as described in my original question:
click on "Start", then left click on "Explore". This defaults to
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu (Start Menu is highlighted).

How can I set my system so that Explorer opens at E:\ when I right click
"Start", then left click on "Explore"?

I have tried the tweak on line 255 in Kelly's Korner and that didn't work

You can't. It is doing exactly what you asking it to do - Exploring the
folder you right clicked.

Bob I

In other words you want the feature that was designed specifically for
exploring the start menu to not work any more. You will need to break a
registry key. I'm not sure which one, someone else may know.


Frank, the light is on! Thank you. Now I understand. The "Right Click Menu
Options" are specific to the "Start Menu" folders. That's why "Search"
defaults to "Start Menu" as well.

So, is there a "One Click" way of opening Windows Explorer at the desired
folder? In other words a one click way of doing Start| All Programs |
Accessories | Windows Explorer?

Thanks again.

Bob I

That actual path is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories


Kingstonsean said:
Frank, the light is on! Thank you. Now I understand. The "Right Click Menu
Options" are specific to the "Start Menu" folders. That's why "Search"
defaults to "Start Menu" as well.

So, is there a "One Click" way of opening Windows Explorer at the desired
folder? In other words a one click way of doing Start| All Programs |
Accessories | Windows Explorer?

Thanks again.

Try Winkey/E That will open Explorer to My Computer. Other than that,
creating a shortcut to the preferred location, and placing it in the
Quick Launch toolbar is probably the best solution.

Galen Somerville

Elmo said:
Try Winkey/E That will open Explorer to My Computer. Other than that,
creating a shortcut to the preferred location, and placing it in the Quick
Launch toolbar is probably the best solution.

Start - Programs - Accessories - right click Windows Explorer and drag to
Quick launch.

Drop it there and select copy. Once in Quick Launch, right click and select

In Target box add a space followed by /n,/e,E:\


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