Windows DVD Maker in Vista RC1 Problem



I'm trying to burn my movie onto a dvd using the Windows DVD Maker already on
Vista RC1. I am up to the part where I can choose my menu style.

Why do the screenshots from the movie appear upside down in the preview of
the menu, and is there any way to change which screenshots I can use?

Thanks for your help!


Hey Jimbo
Did you firgure it out yet/ I am also having the same problem i would guess
it is a problem with the codec i'm using. I'll post if i figure it out


i'm glad you red Jason, completely forgot about this...

Apart from DVDMaker taking AGES to write to a dvd (I have to leave it on for
half the day to get it done), there is no proble any more. It turns out that
the screenshots don't actually show up sideways on the tv screen, it's just
like that in DVD Maker!


Oh Thank You Jimbo, You just saved me another half a day and now I am soo
happy that I could kiss you!

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