Windows clock always incorrect


Jim Wynn

My Windows XP installation does not read the system clock information
correctly upon booting - despite my system (hardware) clock being
correct, Windows always reports the time as a date in 1989 (always 1
day and 1 hr off from the correct day and time but with the 1989

Because of firewall issues, I'm not able to sync my clock with an
internet time server.

Hardware is a Dell GX270 (new machine about 3 weeks ago).

Any ideas regarding why this might be the case?


Adam Turner

Sounds like the BIOS battery is dying. Just try replacing it. It's cheap. It looks like a big watch battery on your motherboard.

Jim Wynn

My SYSTEM clock is always correct - it's my clock in Windows that's
perpetually wrong.



start---run---cmnd enter
net stop w32time enter
w32tm /unregister enter
w32tm /register enter
net start w32time entr
exit enter

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