Windows cannot Update



Im using Windows 7 RC and when i try to update it comes up with a message -

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is
not running. You may need to restart your computer.

Ive restarted my computer numerous times with no luck.

Any ideas how to get Windows Update working again, any help would be greatly

Gregory A. Beamer

Im using Windows 7 RC and when i try to update it comes up with a
message -

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service
is not running. You may need to restart your computer.

Ive restarted my computer numerous times with no luck.

Any ideas how to get Windows Update working again, any help would be
greatly appreciated.

This is the wrong group for these types of questions. It is a .NET

Regardless, I will answer. You need to open services. You can find this
on the administrative tools (which you may have to make visible by right
clicking the tool bar and choosing properties. Under advanced, you will
see the options for showing administrative tools).

The service that needs to be started is Automatic Updates (will have to
check on my Win 7 machine to make sure they have not changed the name).
Double click the service and choose "automatic" from the start options.
Then start it. If disabled, you will have to enable before you can start
it. If this fails, you have a different issue.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld

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