windows authentication: how to catch the case a user entered a wrongpassword



hi ng,

i have a problem with windows authentification.

i want to forward every user who
1. is not authorized
2. or could not be authenticated
to a login page

The scenario is an intranet application that can be used by some defined
active directory users.

web.config is like:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="*" />

<location path="private">
<allow users="x,y,z" />

<location path="Public">
<allow users="*" />

global.asax looks like:
protected void Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
{ if((User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)&&(Response.StatusCode ==

it is working when one of the x,y,z users enters the application with
the correct password or a domain user who is not x,y or z tries to enter
the application (with the correct password).
but it is not working when a user is not in active directory or a active
directory user enters a wrong password because in this cases, the user
could not be authenticated.
but i cannot redirect every not authenticated user, because before the
windows authentication form has been submitted, every request is not
authenticated, right?

i am getting a bit desparate, since i already have posted my problem,
with no replies.
maybe i am now able to describe the problem more clear.

thank you very much in advance for any help or suggestions



thanks for your help, but i have already tested <customErrors> in
doesn't work.
maybe because the http response code is not like an error code?

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