Windows 2000 server - how to increase disk space on DC




I have windows 2000 server with Domain controller.
Currently i have very less space left on my main operating
system partition. I don't know how can i increase space
without changing any setting at my domain controller.
Because currently everybody is at my work use this DC to
login and i have some accounting software also installed
on same hard drive so i don't have any possibility to
reinstall windows 2000 server and make new Domain


Frank Szita [MSFT]

1. Try moving the paging file to another partition.
2. Relocate the documents and settings folder per Microsoft Knowledge Base
article 322014
3. Search the entire drive for files greater than 10Mb. You may have some
unnecessary files on the drive
4. In the WINT directory you can move the uninstall folders of all the
hotfixes to another partition (recommend you move and not delete)

Best regards,

Frank Szita [MSFT]

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