Window Services - Difference between Network Service, Local Service ANd Local System Account



Hi All,

Can any one tell me that what is the difference between Network
Service, Local Service and Local System ACcount for window services


Willy Denoyette [MVP]

| Hi All,
| Can any one tell me that what is the difference between Network
| Service, Local Service and Local System ACcount for window services

They are all predefined local accounts, none of them have a password and
none are used to access the network.
localsystem is the most privileged account in a system, it's the only
account that is able to access the security database (HKLM\Security). It's
token contains the SID's of NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and Builtin\Administrators.
Local System acts as the machine account on the network.

Local Service has very limitted privileges (SeAditNamePrivilege,
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege and SeUndockPrivilege + those assigned to "users"
and "Authenticated" users ) on the system, he presents the "anonymous"
user's credentials on the network.

Network Service has very limitted privileges the (SeAditNamePrivilege,
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege and SeUndockPrivilege + those assigned to "EveryOne
" and and "Authenticated" users ) on the system, he presents the machine
credentials on the network, the remote token contains the "EveryOne" and
"Authenticated User" group SIDs.


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