Window Installer Keeps Running



Vista Ultimate
Office 2007
FrontPage 2003

Issue: When I installed FrontPage 2003 the "Windows Installer" for FrontPage
2003 keeps running no matter what I click on.

I have uninstalled the program and re-installed FP but no luck, keeps

I have used the Windows Install Clean Up Utility and when I re-install
FrontPage 2003 the installer just keeps running whenever I click on anything.

Can someone help me - I am good with Reg Edits - anything that will help.


(e-mail address removed)


In Event Viewer, under Applications, what is the Event ID for the error
(Event Source: MsiInstaller)?


Should I un-install FrontPage 2003 FIRST before doing this or leave it on and
do this?


John Inzer

BCSWEB1 said:
Vista Ultimate
Office 2007
FrontPage 2003

Issue: When I installed FrontPage 2003 the "Windows Installer" for
FrontPage 2003 keeps running no matter what I click on.

I have uninstalled the program and re-installed FP but no luck, keeps

I have used the Windows Install Clean Up Utility and when I re-install
FrontPage 2003 the installer just keeps running whenever I click on

Can someone help me - I am good with Reg Edits - anything that will


(e-mail address removed)
Maybe the following article will offer some ideas:

(928091) Information about using 2007 Office
suites and programs on a computer that is
running another version of Office


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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I am a volunteer

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No, I don't think you have to un-install FrontPage. Just make sure no
applications are running at the time, so that the Installer isn't running.
Then after doing what the KB article says, run an application that would
have invoked the Installer. Hopefully, the KB fix will allow you to
get a Pass when Windows Installer's auto-repair function performs its health
check, and it should complete.


Ok, This is what I have so far..

1. I removed all versions of office and did the Installer Cleanup Utility.

2. I placed Front Page 2003 on my Vista Ultimate Machine

3. The Front Page Installer runs everytime I click anything.

If you are going to provide reg edits please remember I have Vista Ultimate
and so far the reg fixes that have been suggested - the keys do not match -

So, I want to takle on one problem at a time - FrontPage 2003 Installer and
Vista Ultimate - how do I make FP installer stop.

ERROR LOG 1004 shows me this:

Detection of product '{90170409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}', feature
'ProductFiles', component '{66CD2C91-2A15-4DA4-BBD2-5EC1075F3C0E}' failed.
The resource 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pip\' does not exist.

ERROR LOG 1001 shows me this:

Detection of product '{90170409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}', feature
'HandWritingFiles' failed during request for component

Any help?

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