window crashes when i login



I tried to login as administrator. The window tried to
load my personal settings, and then crashed and restart.
It happens every time I tried to login as administrator.
But It is ok if i login as other users. Can someone help


hj said:
I tried to login as administrator. The window tried to
load my personal settings, and then crashed and restart.
It happens every time I tried to login as administrator.
But It is ok if i login as other users. Can someone help

Tried rebooting into Safe mode and logging in as Administrator then? If
that works, get a copy of msconfig.exe and use it to disable all startup
programs and see if a normal startup (without all the startups) works
okay. If so, you can now check one by one which startup is causing the

Are any of the other usernames also in the Administrators group (so they
have the same rights as Administrator)? If so, one idea is to copy a
profile atop another. Login under a username that is in the
Administrators group. Right-click on My Computer, Properties, User
Profiles. Select your profile. Click Copy. Browse to the
Administrator profile path and select it. Click Change and change the
user that owns that profile to Administrator. I do this all the time.
Periodically I copy my profile (because I'm in the Administrators group)
atop the Administrator profile so when I login the desktop and Start
menu items are the same.

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