Win2000 DNS forgets who it is


J Nolan

I've got a domain controller running Win2000 with DNS hosting several other
domains. Only the main domain is an Active Directory zone. All of the
other zones are just primary zones. This server has been running for years
with no problems until lately. I get no error messages but I've pinpointed
that this is why Exchange Internet Connection keeps crashing on me. When I
change Exchange Internet Connection to not use DNS and enter a static IP
everything works fine.

When I look at one of the primary zones and bring up the name servers (NS
Record) it can no longer resolve to the IP address of the Domain Controller.
It will show the name but no IP number displays, instead is shows (unknown)
where the IP number should be. I can edit it and add the IP number and it
seems to stay there but it is never written to the .dns file for that zone
so I've edited those manually. I've double checked the Active Directory
zone and it looks fine and everything resolves in that zone. I reapplied
the latest service pack and that didn't seem to make any difference.

Has anyone else experience this or have any ideas why DNS can no longer
resolve its own IP number?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Ace Fekay [MVP]

J Nolan said:
I've got a domain controller running Win2000 with DNS hosting several
other domains. Only the main domain is an Active Directory zone.
All of the other zones are just primary zones. This server has been
running for years with no problems until lately. I get no error
messages but I've pinpointed that this is why Exchange Internet
Connection keeps crashing on me. When I change Exchange Internet
Connection to not use DNS and enter a static IP everything works fine.

When I look at one of the primary zones and bring up the name servers
(NS Record) it can no longer resolve to the IP address of the Domain
Controller. It will show the name but no IP number displays, instead
is shows (unknown) where the IP number should be. I can edit it and
add the IP number and it seems to stay there but it is never written
to the .dns file for that zone so I've edited those manually. I've
double checked the Active Directory zone and it looks fine and
everything resolves in that zone. I reapplied the latest service
pack and that didn't seem to make any difference.

Has anyone else experience this or have any ideas why DNS can no
longer resolve its own IP number?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

See my respsonse to your other post.

Also, what is an "Exchange Internet Connection"? I don't remember seeing
that setting anywhere in Exchange, unless this is an SBS server?


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services

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