win xp pro will not start


mike roney

When my computer boots up i get this erroe message:
windows could not start because the following file is
missing or corupt: <windows root>\system32\hal.dll. I
tried to use the Recovery Console but I do not know what
I am doing. Help Please!!!!!!!!!!

Zoltan Fekete

Boot from Windows XP CD, and then don't select recovery, until the setup
say's it found a windows xp on your hard drive. Then hit "r" for repair, and
sit back and enjoy.
Latter, when the repair ends, reinstall all service pack that you had before
(for XP and office).


I tried to use the repair mode. When I typed in
bootcfg /list I got this message: There are currently no
boot entries available to display. I tried
bootcfg /rebuild and got this message; Error:failed to
successfully scan disks for windows installations. this
error may be caused by a corrupt file system, which would
prevent Bootcfg from successfully scanning. Use chkdsk to
detect any disk errors. Chkdsk reported the volume
appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems.
What can I try next!!!!!!!!


I tried to use the repair mode. When I typed in
bootcfg /list I got this message: There are currently no
boot entries available to display. I tried
bootcfg /rebuild and got this message; Error:failed to
successfully scan disks for windows installations. this
error may be caused by a corrupt file system, which would
prevent Bootcfg from successfully scanning. Use chkdsk to
detect any disk errors. Chkdsk reported the volume
appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems.
What can I try next!!!!!!!!

Well, it seems like your Windows installation is fscked. First, do a
hardware diagnosis on the hard drive just to be sure it isn't bad. You
can do this with a utility downloaded from the hard drive mftr.'s
website. Second, if the hard drive is OK, you'll have to do a clean
install (boot with XP cd, delete any existing partitions, format and
install XP) and restore your programs and data from backup. If you
neglected to back up your data (and if this is the case, you now know
why backing up is a Good Thing), you can hopefully slave the hard drive
in another working machine and copy off the data to burn to a cd-r. If
the partition is completely hosed and the data isn't accessable, you
can try with data recovery software or contact

Good luck,


Zoltan Fekete

No. If you make a repair of existing windows xp installation, it will not
format or erase any partitions, and your data should be intact. Follow the
procedure writed in the last post.


Jody Wilkes

Malke said:
Well, it seems like your Windows installation is fscked. First, do a
hardware diagnosis on the hard drive just to be sure it isn't bad. You
can do this with a utility downloaded from the hard drive mftr.'s
website. Second, if the hard drive is OK, you'll have to do a clean
install (boot with XP cd, delete any existing partitions, format and
install XP) and restore your programs and data from backup. If you
neglected to back up your data (and if this is the case, you now know
why backing up is a Good Thing), you can hopefully slave the hard drive
in another working machine and copy off the data to burn to a cd-r. If
the partition is completely hosed and the data isn't accessable, you
can try with data recovery software or contact

Good luck,


Use data recovery software. You should not have any trouble getting
your data back and it is cheap. Drivesavers is going to start at $1000
easy. We make a data recovery software called GetDataBack and it
should be able to get all of your data back with no problems. The
software is $69 for the FAT version and $79 for the NTFS version. We
sell them as a bundle for $119. The web page is If you have any questions, let me know.

Thank you,
Jody Wilkes
Runtime Software

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