Win XP Pro SP2 strange "warn before opening" in OE6

  • Thread starter All Things Mopar
  • Start date

All Things Mopar

I just recently took delivery of a high-performance custom-
built PC. It has an AMD 3700 CPU, a 4 gig memory, a 260 gig
Maxtoor HD, both a CD/DVD reader and CD/DVD burner.

My Windows version is /retail/ Win XP Pro SP1 on the CD, but I
installed SP2 from the free CD Microsoft mailed me. This is
retail, and /not/ OEM. And, it is activated and /all/ updates
have been applied on top of SP2.

On my older SP1 PC, /all/ graphics file types coming to me via
E-mail in Outlook Express as attachments (not pasted it)
automatically gave me the "do you want to open or save?"
dialog box when I click on a graphics file under the "paper
clip" button.

The non-graphics types, including TXT, DOC, XLS, PPT/PPS, etc.
never gave a warning, they just opened. However, on my new SP2
box, all the non-graphics attachments /do/ give a warning,
which is fine. I feel more secure this way.

My connundrum is this: /all/ the graphics formats, /all/ of
them, /except/ JPGs issue the warning before open, which again
I like. However, /all/ the JPGs will automatically open in
whatever app I have associated to them (usually that is Jasc's
Paint Shop Pro 9.01.1).

First, how do I get the JPGs to trigger the warning? Then, how
do I get the radio button back as in SP1 allowing me to choose
between "open" and "save"? Yes, there is a menu choice to
"save attachments" but I like the SP1 way better.

I remember seeing somewhere that the XP Registry contains a
list of "safe" and "unsafe" file extensions which both IE6 and
OE6 use to decide whether to warn me or not. But, alas, I
cannot put my finger on that.

I /have/ verified that warnings are fully turned on for /all/
extensions, by looking at Explorer's Tools>Folder options>File
types, but do not see anything at all amiss.

Surely I am missing something easy here, but I have searched
for hours in the MS KB using all possible search strings to no
avail. Ditto for Google.

Any help would be appreciated.


With regard to the registry entries, I think you may be getting mixed up
with Outlook. Outlook not Outlook Express has a list of file types that can
be set individually, if you don't have a problem editing the registry.


All Things Mopar

Today neil spoke these views with conviction for everyone's
With regard to the registry entries, I think you may be
getting mixed up with Outlook. Outlook not Outlook Express
has a list of file types that can be set individually, if
you don't have a problem editing the registry.

No, Neil, I specifically meant OE, not Outlook. I was told
that the Registry /may/ have a safe or unsafe list but a year
or so ago when I looked the last time, my Registry did not
even have the main key I was told to look for. Perhaps,
though, whoever told me that /did/ think I meant Outlook...

I am comfortable with registry hacks, but I'd obviously like
to do this within XP the "right" way, or at least with a
utility someone can point me to.

So, thanks, and if you think of anything else, please let me

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