win xp printer sharing to windows xp n win 98


nef kho

hi, i have installed win xp and shared a printer on a
workgroup, now my win 98 cant find the xp shared printer
and also my other win xp uit cant print, just hang there
with a status of pending, any help, thanks.



nef kho said:
hi, i have installed win xp and shared a printer on a
workgroup, now my win 98 cant find the xp shared printer
and also my other win xp uit cant print, just hang there
with a status of pending, any help, thanks.



Have you found a fix for this yet? The reason I ask is because I have
exactly the same problem and dont know what to do. I can see the shared
printer using Explorer from my other XP machine, but not from the one running
'98. From the '98 machine I can see the XP machine over the network, but not
the shared printer resource. Is this a network setup problem or something to
do with XP's printer settings??

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