Win xp home fails to boot



A winxp home machine which has run fine for months
suddenly began rebooting without warning during use.
Fairly soon it would not boot at all. I presumed a power
supply problem and replaced it. The PC did in fact then
boot into the choose user account window and then shutdown
(not reboot). The PC is fine in safe mode but only the
administrator and the main user account appears and the
other 3 user accounts are missing from the choose user
account screen. I have since spotted the reboot on error
function in winxp and have disabled it. I have tried to
use system restor but whilst appears to restore the files
when it reboots it crashes(powers down) again and in safe
mode it tells me that the system restor failed. I have
tried restoring on all available dates but they all fail.
The event log reports volume shadow copy service error-
unexpected error calling routine CocCreateInstance
hr=0x80040206 & the com+event systemdetected a bad return
code during it's internal processing. HR result was
8007043c for line 44of

Can anyone help me please?
Trevor Gale


That sounds like your machine is overheating. Check in the
system BIOS (if your machine is fairly new) for the
temperature. You can do that by pressing delete right
after you switch on the machine and go to the SETUP
screen. Not knowing your BIOS I couldn't tell you which
screen to select, however if you use the arrow keys to
look about you will find it.

Monitor the temperature, if it's an AMD it should run at
around 50-60 degrees. Intel processors usually run at
lower temps.

If that isn't the problem try taking it to a pc workshop
and have them isolate the problem, it could be a
corruption of your system memory.

trevor gale

Thanks. that was my first thought. The amd chip runs at
about 54 to 57 degrees according to the bios and therefore
seems OK. The power supply had a thermal cutout and the PC
was not in the best location for ventilation and so I
thought the power supply had got damaged. I have replaced
this but no change. If it was a heating problem surely it
would fail just the same in safe mode or am I missing
somethng? Equally, I presume safe mode still loads into
what we used to call high memory. if it doesn't then it
could be the ram that's faulty.
Any thoughts?

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