Win XP DHCP fails to get dynamic address


Chris Z

XP pro networking is configured to obtain an IP address
dynamically via DHCP but it fails to get the dynamic
address and instead assigns the alternate private
address. The event log shows a warning msg from DHCP
indicating that the alternate private address was
assigned but doesn't tell me why. Where can I find more
info as to why the dynamic address assignment via DHCP is

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

First question is, Do you have a device acting as a DHCP Server? If so what
is this device? Can other clients get DHCP addresses from the DHCP server?
If you give the XP Pro box a static IP on the same subnet as the DHCP server
can you ping from the XP Pro box to the DHCP server? If not check your
network cable and your NIC.


Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I have had this problem on another XP machine and found a registry patch for the timeout or the autoconfigured address, I can't remember which. If I can disable the autoconfigure to allow Windows to wait longer for an IP address, that should work. I have a 150 user network, the computer in question is a brand new Compaq/HP box with XP Pro installed. The machine works fine on the network as long as it has a static IP address, so there are no cabling or NIC issues. The firewall we employ is in the DMZ and does not affect internal traffic.
Is there a whitepaper or something with a listing of the registry settings that affect DHCP? I have found the article about the TCP/IP settings and I don't see settings for increasing the wait time or disabling autoconfigure.

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