Win.ini not found by explorer search



Hi All,

I have some old software that needs a win.ini tweak to run.
I found and modified the file OK, it was in the c:\windows directory.

My Question is, when I use windows explorer to search for win.ini,
all I find is a recent files hit, even though I know the file exists
in c:\windows.

If this file cannot be found, what other files are hidden this way?



Hi All,

I have some old software that needs a win.ini tweak to run.
I found and modified the file OK, it was in the c:\windows directory.

My Question is, when I use windows explorer to search for win.ini,
all I find is a recent files hit, even though I know the file exists
in c:\windows.

If this file cannot be found, what other files are hidden this way?


You need to set your search to search for hidden files and system folders
by selecting "More advanced options" in your search window.



You need to set your search to search for hidden files and system folders
by selecting "More advanced options" in your search window.


Thanks Patty and everyone else who replied.
I had already turned on show system files but I was unaware
that search would not find them unless you selected it
in the more advanced options.


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