Will not go to New Record in a subform.



I am 'controlling' a form (Form_Cust) via code in another form (Form_Control)
and want to go to a new record in a subform (Form_Cust_Subform) in Form_Cust.

I use the code:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "Form_Cust_Subform", acNewRec
but the error says "the object is not open".

I have tried many combinations of the DoCMd eg
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "Forms('Form_Cust')('Form_Cust_Subform')", acNewRec
inserted 'acDataForm' in the appropriate spot etc

NO WAY will it happen!

Allen Browne

The subform is not "open" in its own right, so try something like this:

With Forms("Form_Cust")
.SetFocus 'Make it the active form.
!Form_Cust_Subform.SetFocus 'Make the subform control the active
!Form_Cust_Subform.Form![SomeControl].SetFocus 'Somecontrol in
RunCommand acCmdRecordsGotoNew
End With

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