will not boot to 2000



Something happened to my box and I was unable to boot to
98 or 2000. I have recovered the 98 OS using an image file
however my 2000 seems not to be noticed durring boot up. I
had some problems with my boot records and partitions
files and that seems to be cleared up ok for now. I think
the dual boot is just not turned on so it goes on to 98
and boots that. How can I trouble shoot this. I am new to
2000 and just learning it. I had not had the time or
smarts to make an ERD (is that right) but I did start with
the set up disk and attempted a repair with r command.

I have lost my notes about what type of partition 2000
requires and how to set it up. Any ideas. The OS is still
on disk but I have no way to access the partition except
with partition magic. Assistance appreciated.

Daniel Chang [MSFT]

What error message are you receiving? I'm not expert on using
PartitionMagic, but you need the partition to be marked "active" and it
needs a correct MBR and BootSector. You may have success in searching on
those keywords in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase.
Daniel Chang
Server Setup Team

Search our Knowledge Base at http://support.microsoft.com/directory
Visit the Windows 2000 Homepage at
See the Windows NT Homepage at http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/

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