Wierdness after AVG 8.0 up grade


Anthony Diodati

Not sure if it's related,but after AVG 8.0 up grade, google advanced search
seems to be acting strange.
Maybe I would be better at an IE group, sorry if this is not the correct
group to post this.
Takes a long time to search, and any "find" I go to I get a lot of slow
downs, and Internet explorer cannot display the web page, also then seems to
affect other pages I have open.
If I close all my IE windows, and open a new one, all seems fine again.
Don't know if it's related to AVG or not.
Or could google advanced search have an issue.
Am running IE 7. No problems with it till now.
Thanks, Tony


Anthony said:
Not sure if it's related,but after AVG 8.0 up grade, google advanced
search seems to be acting strange.
Maybe I would be better at an IE group, sorry if this is not the correct
group to post this.
Takes a long time to search, and any "find" I go to I get a lot of slow
downs, and Internet explorer cannot display the web page, also then seems
to affect other pages I have open.
If I close all my IE windows, and open a new one, all seems fine again.
Don't know if it's related to AVG or not.
Or could google advanced search have an issue.
Am running IE 7. No problems with it till now.
Thanks, Tony

Apparently quite a few people are having difficulties with AVG 8.0. The
right place to post is in their user forum. Go to AVG's website and look
for their forums.


Big Al

PA said:
AVG Free Support Forum

[It's prolly LinkScanner that's causing the slowdown.]

I found linkscanner slowing my IE7 down and just disabled it.
I guess its good for my grandmother that doesn't know site A from site
B, but I'm going out on a limb and say I know better :)

Anthony Diodati

Big Al said:
[It's prolly LinkScanner that's causing the slowdown.]

Anthony Diodati said:
Yes it was................
You guys are too much,
Thanks To all. Tony

For sure it was, cause I re enabled link scanner and tried google adv.
search again, and got the same problem.
Funny though, it was only (SFAIK) on the google adv. search, and not on a
yahoo search or windows live,MSN search.
Thanks again.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Anthony said:
[It's prolly LinkScanner that's causing the slowdown.] <<SNIP>>

Yes it was................
You guys are too much,
Thanks To all. Tony

For sure it was, cause I re enabled link scanner and tried google adv.
search again, and got the same problem.
Funny though, it was only (SFAIK) on the google adv. search, and not on a
yahoo search or windows live,MSN search.

Did you ever have a McAfee application installed?

Rene Brehmer

Not sure if it's related,but after AVG 8.0 up grade, google advanced search
seems to be acting strange.
Maybe I would be better at an IE group, sorry if this is not the correct
group to post this.
Takes a long time to search, and any "find" I go to I get a lot of slow
downs, and Internet explorer cannot display the web page, also then seems to
affect other pages I have open.
If I close all my IE windows, and open a new one, all seems fine again.
Don't know if it's related to AVG or not.
Or could google advanced search have an issue.
Am running IE 7. No problems with it till now.

It's a problem with AVG 8's site checker. It eats up all your bandwidth and
takes forever, so your browsers ends up timing out and failing.

Disabling the site checker in the AVG control panel helps, but then AVG
keeps giving you error messages that something is disabled, and when you
reboot it, the site checker is turned back on.

I gave up on AVG and switched to Avast instead. It's a little slower when
accessing harddrives, uses 17K more memory, but overall system performance
is higher, and you can actually chose not to install the site checker. If
you run Firefox, you don't need it anyway.

Rene Brehmer
IT Technician

North Hill Inn

Rene Brehmer

Did you ever have a McAfee application installed?

Good thought... their site checker won't go away even when you uninstall
it. Symantec makes the only software where I have to reformat the computer
to uninstall them...
Rene Brehmer
IT Technician

North Hill Inn

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Rene said:
Good thought... their site checker won't go away even when you uninstall
it. Symantec makes the only software where I have to reformat the computer
to uninstall them...

The McAfee removal tool will make quick work of any McAfee leftovers
(including Site Advisor, even the standalone version) after uninstalling a
McAfee application:

McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool
[Discussion: http://www.pchell.com/virus/uninstallmcafee.shtml]

After uninstalling a Norton application (and LiveUpdate) via Add/Remove
Programs, use this removal tool to get rid of the leftovers:

Norton Removal Tool
[Discussion: http://windowssecrets.com/comp/080207#story1]

Anthony Diodati

Anthony Diodati said:
IT is? Damm, Yea, don't think I rebooted yet after turning the site

I gave uninstalled AVG and switched to Avast Too, We will see how it goes.
So far working fine.
I could not find antwhere though to set up a scan like 1 time a day, at
XX:XX time, or 1 time a week.
Do I need that, or just run it about 1X a week?
Thanks, Tony

Ken Blake, MVP

On Sat, 31 May 2008 12:32:42 GMT, "Anthony Diodati" <mrbreezeet1NO
I gave uninstalled AVG and switched to Avast Too, We will see how it goes.
So far working fine.
I could not find antwhere though to set up a scan like 1 time a day, at
XX:XX time, or 1 time a week.
Do I need that, or just run it about 1X a week?

One of the best features of Avast is that you can set it to run a scan
every time the screen saver comes on. That means that whenever the
computer isn't otherwise being used, it scans.

Anthony Diodati

Ken Blake said:
On Sat, 31 May 2008 12:32:42 GMT, "Anthony Diodati" <mrbreezeet1NO

One of the best features of Avast is that you can set it to run a scan
every time the screen saver comes on. That means that whenever the
computer isn't otherwise being used, it scans.

Is that that VRDB? I have it set to "when computer is Idle", as I am not
running a screen saver.


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