Wierd Computer Behaviour

  • Thread starter Rune von Gothmaster
  • Start date

Rune von Gothmaster


I have a curious problem. It started when i removed my hard drive from my
computer and did not use it for 1 month. Then when plugged it in 2 days ago,
it started behaving in a strange manner. When i first switched it on, the
computer was able to boot into safe mode. However, after that, the system
gave me an error and it auto-shutdown. Now when i start my computer, i reach
the "start your computer in safe mode" which i select and reaches the part
where i see the windows emblem after which it reboots, and this whole thing
loops. I went into bios, and everything is working properly, its just that i
cant enter windows.

Any idea on what is going on?

Secondly, sources told me that i have to reformat my computer. However,
doing so would result in me not being able to receive updates. Because
microsoft already has this product key was used when i registered the
computer online, thus microsoft would se a different computer with the same
key. I was wondering on how I should proceed to avoid this problem.

Many thanks in advance


Firstly, try to establish whether this is hardware or software related.
Running BartPE or Knoppix for an hour or two froma bootable CD (with NO
hard-disk) should clarify that point.

If I was to guess, it might be something like a dislodged memory module or
bad IDE/SATA cable.

If it's software then a repair install may cure it without the need to do a
complete reinstall. Even if not, reactivation should be possible by phoning


the disk may be seen by the bios
as disk 1 when it use to be disk 0
or vice versa.

disk 0 is the defualt disk required
for booting the system.

disk0 = master drive
disk1=slave drive


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
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- @Hotmail.com

"share the nirvana mann" - dbZen




Please post a copy of the Stop Error Report.

Disable automatic restart on system failure. This should help by
allowing time to write down the STOP code properly. Keep pressing the F8
key during Start-Up and select option - Disable automatic restart on
system failure. Do not re-enable automatic restart on system failure.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Sounds like something is missing from this story.

Did you stop using your pc for a month, or install a different (new hd) to
replace the old one and keep using it and then reinstalled the old one? with
the new one still in place?

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