

Jo Kerr

Daniel Mandic a couché sur son écran :
Tesla is not the only electric specialist.

Edison is also O.K., and I want to mention Siemens (G), Voltaire (V)
and Ohm (R). Not to forget Ampere (A).
(V) came from Volta (italian). Voltaire is a french autor 18th century.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C. Clarke

Al Klein

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke

Clarke's not a new surprise to most of us, john. But "I don't
understand how it's done" isn't "magic", it's "I don't understand".
Proof by personal incredulity is fallacious, as I'm certain Sir Arthur
knows and you should learn.

Some of us just have a higher "wow" factor than others.


Imagination is more important than knowledge

-Albert Einstien

What one person can imagine, another can create

-Jules Verne

Some people have to see it to believe it,
some believe it and then see it,
some can see it and still not believe

Thats mine, and the third part applies to you

Kenny - www.ComputerBoom.com

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

-Arthur C. Clarke

Peter Seiler

john - 04.04.2006 03:28 :
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C. Clarke

1. John, is it realy necessary quoting ~ 100! fullquoting lines again
only for your one line response?

2. John, is it realy necessary to put all this unnecessary quotinglines
under your topposted sig, so that your sig contains ~ 100 lines?
Should be MAX. 4 lines only!

3. John, is it realy necessary doing all this even crossposting to 2 groups?

Please have a look at some good usenet behavior of some other "regulars".

THX in advance for your kind understanding and willing.

(crossposting reduced)

Daniel Mandic

john said:
Imagination is more important than knowledge

-Albert Einstien

.. And that only God knows.

- Albert Einstein

Some people have to see it to believe it,
some believe it and then see it,
some can see it and still not believe


Thats mine, and the third part applies to you

Kind Regards,

Daniel Mandic

Al Klein

Imagination is more important than knowledge

-Albert Einstien

What one person can imagine, another can create

-Jules Verne

Some people have to see it to believe it,
some believe it and then see it,
some can see it and still not believe

Thats mine, and the third part applies to you

Fantasy is still fantasy, john, not reality.

Some people can read and still not understand a word they read. Both
of the above quotes apply to you. Verne wasn't entirely correct,
however - create impossibility.


Peter said:
john - 04.04.2006 03:28 :

1. John, is it realy necessary quoting ~ 100! fullquoting lines again
only for your one line response?

2. John, is it realy necessary to put all this unnecessary quotinglines
under your topposted sig, so that your sig contains ~ 100 lines?
Should be MAX. 4 lines only!

3. John, is it realy necessary doing all this even crossposting to 2 groups?

Please have a look at some good usenet behavior of some other "regulars".

THX in advance for your kind understanding and willing.

(crossposting reduced)

Congratulations! Your diligent efforts ar being a newsgroup cop have earned you
a place in my kill filter!



From: Al Klein - view profile
Date: Mon, Apr 3 2006 2:13 pm
Email: Al Klein

Almost forgot this link from PBS

You forgot the ones to the tinfoil hat designs.
I forgot you like to hear yourself talk, Al Klein not hear the truth.
"Google it" for yourself, People 'Tesla'

A man before his time.

But then again you have to remember "everything we as human's know is
just a theory, not an absolute!."
If it where an absolute, we as human would already travel faster than
light, and a whole lot more.
We think we have a good idea (that is what a theory is) but for a fact
we do not really know!.

Tesla created a lot of things just to create not because he wanted to
be rich, just to create!.
You never know what you can create until you try.

I have read a lot of book's and web pages on he and Albert Einstien,
and many other's.

Fantasy is still fantasy,...And Sci-Fi becomes reality. What is Sci-fi?
Imagination is more important than knowledge
-Albert Einstien

.. And that only God knows.

- Albert Einstein
Some people have to see it to believe it,
some believe it and then see it,
some can see it and still not believe
I concur,...I do not know everything nor does anyone, not even the
smartest of the smart we are all guessing.
We hope it is a good guess, it is our best theory.


"We are getting enough radiation from satellite, and terrestrial
transmissions as it is." WRONG, those are NOT radiation, they are
electrowaves which fall into the far end of the specum above what we call
"Light" which you could say is by your thinking is "Radiation" too. The only
radiation that effects you on Earth is from COSMIC radiation and those
partials zip threw the whole earth. Even the Earth itself puts out a magntic
field that everyone on Earth is under.

The Lone Sidewalk Astronomer of Rosamond

Telescope Buyers FAQ
Sidewalk Astronomy
Astronomy Net Online Gift Shop
In Garden Online Gift Shop
Blast Off Online Gift Shop
Astro Blog

Al Klein

I forgot you like to hear yourself talk, Al Klein not hear the truth.
"Google it" for yourself, People 'Tesla'

If you read it on the internet, it MUST be true.

Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy too?

(Don't proselytize to me - I already have a belief set.)

Al Klein

"We are getting enough radiation from satellite, and terrestrial
transmissions as it is." WRONG, those are NOT radiation, they are
electrowaves which fall into the far end of the specum above what we call
"Light" which you could say is by your thinking is "Radiation" too.

We evolved under (and to accommodate) those.
The only radiation that effects you on Earth is from COSMIC radiation

And that.
Even the Earth itself puts out a magntic field that everyone on Earth is under.

And that.

Worrying about those things is like outlawing dihydrogen monoxide
because someone might die of it.

Ari Silverstein

But Einstein's god wasn't the Judeo-Christian god.

This is the same Einstein who when asked to describe radio, replied:"You
see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail
in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this?
And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they
receive them there.

The only difference is that there is no cat."

Daniel Mandic

john wrote:

As this thread sleds hard to right, I will dismiss.

I hope to hear from you, for a new nice communication. I have a IBM-PC
compatible COPMUTER, aehhh COMPUTER (That thing who puts my com).


Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic

P.S.: Air is my property


Thank you bookmarked.

Al Klein
You will not believe until you life has entered a time in space where
all reason fails and belief takes over.
Then you will believe we are not a lone.
And When we die we simple do not stop. We go on!.

For every action there is a opposite and equal rection.
For there too be a spark someone has to create it.

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