Why would FIND not work as a batch file in a DOS window?



When I type out FIND....it find the word, but if I put it in a batch file, it
doesn't come up with an answer. Is there any difference between regular DOS
and the window of DOS in that regard?

Tom Ogilvy

There shouldn't be. Perhaps the directory being reviewed is different in
each instance.

Dave Peterson

Not that I'm aware, but if you're using the old DOS command to search through
excel files, you probably won't get what you expected.


Try findstr for your search. Of course findstr /? at the prompt will give you
all the how to use info.



This much works for me
find "%1" /I c:\mydocu~1\findtest.txt > c:\mydocu~1\found2.txt
....but when I try adding "%2" the end (> c:\mydocu~1\found2.txt) seems to
block it


I finally discovered after I succeeded in closing the txt file by saving it
as an .xls file...I noticed that it was cutting of part of my text (in my big
cells)...so FIND wouldn't find it. Then I tried saving it as .cvs and the
whole text was preserved and found. It still is not working when I try to
search 2 strings at once, but I will try a little more. I just wanted to let
you know how this answer led me to another step of success.

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