Why Won't Outlook 2003 Send Mail That's in My Outbox?


AA Smith

Outlook 2003 under WinXP Pro SP2 will not send e-mail that's in my Outbox
even though Send/Receive has been run many times. There are about 20
messages in my Outbox that should have already been sent. Nevertheless they
remain in my Outbox and the 1-line ID for each message in the Outbox is

I have that e-mail account setup to send/receive every few minutes. It
works all right on the receive side. But for some reason Outlook won't send
those 20 messages.

I shall greatly appreciate your help with this.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Look on the send and receive dialog and see what the error code is - then
see tip 264 at http://outlook-tips.net/cs/blogs/outlooktips/default.aspx. #4
hit me today. I ended up rebooting and disabling the desktop search before
opening outlook and it's worked fine since.

once you know the error code you can search the Microsoft Knowledgebase for
possible fixes - replace error_code_number at the end of the url with the
error code from the send/receive dialog.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Join OneNote Tips mailing list: http://www.onenote-tips.net/

AA Smith

Hi, Diane!

Sorry to take so long responding to your message. I was unavoidably
detained until now.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the original 20 messages. Out of sheer
frustration, I manually copied the entire contents of each of those messages
and pasted it into a new message, then sent it a;long its merry way. New
messages do not get hung in my Outlook 2003 Outbox; only replies to messages
I've previous received hang up in the Outbox. And the 1-line display for
each of those e-mails was italicized. After copying, pasting and sending
those messages, I deleted the originals, so they're gone. They're not even
in the Deleted Items folder.

Since completing that workaround, I received one message to which I tried to
reply. That one hung in my Outbox this morning. gain, I was forced to cut
& paste the entire message into a new e-mail to get Outlook 2003 to send it.
That one was still in the Deleted Items folder when I found your reply to my
original post. I moved the deleted message into the Outbox where it's
1-line display was not italicized (though it had been italicized when it was
in the Outbox earlier.) I tried to get Outlook to send it, by clicking the
Send/Receive button, but nothing happened. That message still remains in
the Outlook folder unitalicized at this time.
With kindest regards,

Dick Smith

Diane Poremsky said:
Look on the send and receive dialog and see what the error code is - then
see tip 264 at http://outlook-tips.net/cs/blogs/outlooktips/default.aspx.
#4 hit me today. I ended up rebooting and disabling the desktop search
before opening outlook and it's worked fine since.

once you know the error code you can search the Microsoft Knowledgebase
for possible fixes - replace error_code_number at the end of the url with
the error code from the send/receive dialog.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Join OneNote Tips mailing list: http://www.onenote-tips.net/

AA Smith said:
Outlook 2003 under WinXP Pro SP2 will not send e-mail that's in my Outbox
even though Send/Receive has been run many times. There are about 20
messages in my Outbox that should have already been sent. Nevertheless
they remain in my Outbox and the 1-line ID for each message in the Outbox
is italicized.

I have that e-mail account setup to send/receive every few minutes. It
works all right on the receive side. But for some reason Outlook won't
send those 20 messages.

I shall greatly appreciate your help with this.

AA Smith

Hello again, Diane;

In my last post to you, I overlooked pointing out that I cannot tell what
error message appears when I tried to reply to the original 20 e-mails
because I have no way to try sending them again. And when I try to get
Outlook to send the one message that got stuck in the Outbox today, the
Send/Receive process works as if there's no problem; no error message pops
up (or beside the Send/Receive notification on the Status Bar.
With kindest regards,

Dick Smith

Diane Poremsky said:
Look on the send and receive dialog and see what the error code is - then
see tip 264 at http://outlook-tips.net/cs/blogs/outlooktips/default.aspx.
#4 hit me today. I ended up rebooting and disabling the desktop search
before opening outlook and it's worked fine since.

once you know the error code you can search the Microsoft Knowledgebase
for possible fixes - replace error_code_number at the end of the url with
the error code from the send/receive dialog.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Join OneNote Tips mailing list: http://www.onenote-tips.net/

AA Smith said:
Outlook 2003 under WinXP Pro SP2 will not send e-mail that's in my Outbox
even though Send/Receive has been run many times. There are about 20
messages in my Outbox that should have already been sent. Nevertheless
they remain in my Outbox and the 1-line ID for each message in the Outbox
is italicized.

I have that e-mail account setup to send/receive every few minutes. It
works all right on the receive side. But for some reason Outlook won't
send those 20 messages.

I shall greatly appreciate your help with this.

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