Why not serial port component in .NET?


Lau Lei Cheong


Just a bit curious why CLR team decided not to include serial
communication compatibilities in the .NET Framework. Although we can use
CreateFile() API to access the COM ports to read/write synchronously, it's
not easy(for beginners) to write something that can listen the COM ports and
response to events. I know MSCOMM32.OCX is avaliable but 1) it's not a .NET
thing 2) it's not easy to program it in a machine that didn't have VS6

It should be more handy to have something like
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient as a simple wrapper that allow us to do simple
tasks. And enable us to have more consistant coding so it'll be easier for
us to port the code to use TCP/UDP later. How do you think?

And anyone know will that be anything of the sort in .NET v2.0?

All responses are welcomed.

Lau Lei Cheong

Lorenz Buchberger

A serial communication component will be included in VS 2005.



Dick Grier

You can download several add-ons. For example, DesktopSerialIO from my
homepage (free).

Richard Grier (Microsoft Visual Basic MVP)

See www.hardandsoftware.net for contact information.

Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 4th
Edition ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages) published July 2004. See
www.mabry.com/vbpgser4 to order.

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