Why is Vista so slow?


Adam Albright

Compared to Vista, even in it's "immature state", Ubuntu sucks...big time!

You are an expert on being immature Frank. You prove it daily. Now be
sure to leave no doubt by replying with one of your asinine comments.


Mike said:
Have you noticed that any reference he makes to an Ubuntu help group is
always to alt.os, the help group equivalent of the Coyote Ugly Bars? One
has to wonder why he never mentions the official Ubuntu forum.. of
course, he will start to do that now just to prove me wrong..

I mentioned that because I frequent it and see the help the good folks
there give. The official forum is good as are some of the IRC channels.
Need any more help?

To email me, remove what's invalid


Mike said:
Some of these people were never there is why.. they claim that they
were, but their spoutings are so far off of the mark as to prove that
they were not.. life goes on..

I was around and felt it prudent to wait until SP 1 for XP so I
continued to use W2K until it came out. I was right.

Ken Blake, MVP

Hi all, please forgive me if this is basic (my knowledge of computers is
basic!). Bought a laptop with 2 gig centurion 64 processor, 1 gig of ram, and
Windows Vista Home Basic. It should be zipping along relatively easily in my
opinion, but its very slow and crashes (just freezes, with the odd "not
responding" message) when I'm doing the most basic of things. It will freeze
when I'm on the net, when I'm trying to install games from cd/dvd-rom. I'm
convinced (although I have no evidence) that Vista has something to do with
it, these games/programmes installed fine on XP (it won't even install MSN
Messenger). I took it back to the shop and the guy did a system restore from
me back to factory settings, but is happening again. Its happened about 7
times this afternoon and I'm getting seriously frustrated. Any pointers from
anyone would be greatly appreciated!

Freezing and crashing are far more likely to be hardware-related than


The only kind of people I will call stupid are those never learned from

Sound familiar?

Do we have to go through the same painful experience every time and what the
hack is for learning?

Progress will never not be made and initiated by those easily settled down
for what are given.

They are too lazy to think out of box.


Alias said:
Here's another one:


Order the Feisty Fawn CD. Once you get it, set the boot order in the
BIOS to boot from the CD first and use it to wipe Vista and install
Ubuntu. Your computer will be MUCH faster,


securer and more fun.


To top
it all off, Ubuntu is FREE.

Who cares. It's a toy os POS. Just like you are.
No more lies.


Frank said:

securer and more fun.


To top

Who cares. It's a toy os POS. Just like you are.
No more lies.

It really bothers Frank that most people would do very well with Ubuntu.
So much so that he blusters all over the place, screaming and yelling
"Liar, liar" when even he knows it's true. Now, be a good little boy and
go update your BIOS so you can call India and convince them that you
didn't put Hasta la Vista on another computer.

Richard Urban

Yet more diarrhea of the mouth.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Alias said:
It really bothers Frank that most people would do very well with Ubuntu.
So much so that he blusters all over the place, screaming and yelling
"Liar, liar" when even he knows it's true. Now, be a good little boy and
go update your BIOS so you can call India and convince them that you
didn't put Hasta la Vista on another computer.
heheheh...we don't call India you idiot.
We're running vol license you dumbass.
Hahahaha...you'll never learn will you!

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