Why find dialog in middle of page, and found item at screen bottom?


Joe D.

Two things about the IE6 edit/find have always bothered me:

(1) The Find dialog is positioned at page center. Frequently the 1st found
item is hidden behind it. Virtually every time I must reposition the Find
dialog. Why doesn't IE put the Find dialog at the bottom or top of the page?
Is there some way to change this?

(2) Found items are located at page bottom, thus you must manually scroll up
to see the context around the found item. Why doesn't IE position the find
item at page center? Is there some way (say via registry edit) to change

Adobe Reader 7.0 is one program I've noticed that handles these two
areas better:

(a) The Find dialog is a thin bar at the screen top left. That way it
obscure the found

(b) The found found text is positioned at screen center, not at screen
bottom. That way you can see the context before and after the item.

Is there any way to change the IE6 behavior for these two items?

-- Joe

Rob Parsons

Hi Joe,

Sorry there are no registry settings to change the Search on this page
dialog. The whole thing is built in to IE. It is actually another IE window
without toolbars and it will always start at the last screen position where
you last closed an IE window. It is all written in Java Script, so it is
limited to the properties of the Navigator object to interact with the IE
You could try searching for a replacement. The microsoft DOM inspector
toolbar is one that comes to thought. It is a developers tool and may be an

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