Why EXCEL is going into Breakmode and open code window.




We have few spreadsheets with User interface to select dates (Combo boxes)
In EXCEL 2003. All the other users around the world with the same version
working fine except this one user have issue on his 2 machines that the code
window appears and the excel went into break/debug mode.

I did check marco security, options setting for error handling etc. But
nothing work, if he do restart his machine then it work for 2-3 hrs and then
back to point 0.

Any clue or suggest please..........


Check the options in the Code window (Alt F11 from spreadsheet).

Tools - OPtions - General

There are three options for breaking on Error. Make sure all PCs have the
same options checked.

Jim Rech

I suspect Joel is right about the user having "Break on all errors" set in
his VBE. He would have to change that since it's a user settings not a
workbook setting. OR you could add a password to the VB project (Tools,
VBAProject Properties). With a protected project this setting is ignored.
That's the better answer for the future.

| Hi,
| We have few spreadsheets with User interface to select dates (Combo boxes)
| In EXCEL 2003. All the other users around the world with the same version
| working fine except this one user have issue on his 2 machines that the
| window appears and the excel went into break/debug mode.
| I did check marco security, options setting for error handling etc. But
| nothing work, if he do restart his machine then it work for 2-3 hrs and
| back to point 0.
| Any clue or suggest please..........
| --
| Malik

Jim Rech

But the setting on their excel

Now it's "their" but before it was "one user". Check the "one user".

If something else is the cause I'm afraid I don't know what it is.

| Thanks for the reply. But the setting on their excel is "Break on
| errors".
| --
| Malik
| "Jim Rech" wrote:
| > I suspect Joel is right about the user having "Break on all errors" set
| > his VBE. He would have to change that since it's a user settings not a
| > workbook setting. OR you could add a password to the VB project (Tools,
| > VBAProject Properties). With a protected project this setting is
| > That's the better answer for the future.
| >
| > --
| > Jim
| > | > | Hi,
| > |
| > | We have few spreadsheets with User interface to select dates (Combo
| > | In EXCEL 2003. All the other users around the world with the same
| > | working fine except this one user have issue on his 2 machines that
| > code
| > | window appears and the excel went into break/debug mode.
| > |
| > | I did check marco security, options setting for error handling etc.
| > | nothing work, if he do restart his machine then it work for 2-3 hrs
| > then
| > | back to point 0.
| > |
| > | Any clue or suggest please..........
| > | --
| > | Malik
| >
| >

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