Why doesn't this work?



I received this code from Albert Kallal and it works great Except I cannot
seem to get the code to work with combo boxes I populate with information
from queries I use to alphabetize names. Anyone know why it won't work with
the combo boxes?

Private Function MyVerify() As Boolean

Dim colFields As New Collection

MyVerify = False

colFields.Add "Period,Period"
colFields.Add "Reason,Dress Code Reason"
colFields.Add "Student,Student Name" <----combo box (cboStudentName)
colFields.Add "Teacher,Teacher Name"

MyVerify = vfields(colFields)

End Function

Private Function vfields(colFields As Collection) As Boolean

Dim strErrorText As String
Dim strControl As String
Dim i As Integer

vfields = False

For i = 1 To colFields.Count
strControl = Split(colFields(i), ",")(0)
strErrorText = Split(colFields(i), ",")(1)
If IsNull(Me(strControl)) = True Then

MsgBox strErrorText & " is required", vbExclamation, AppName
vfields = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i

End Function


Never mind. I figured it out. I had a default value of 0 in the field, so
it was never actually empty. Sorry for the hassle.

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