Why Doesn't My SQL Work



This VBA snippet works and returns a single record (because there is only one
"1150" in the table):

sqltext = "SELECT tlkpWBS.ID FROM tlkpWBS WHERE tlkpWBS.WBS Like ""1150""; "
Set con2 = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sqltext, con2, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

If I change the 1150 to 115* as below, I get zero records returned. Can
someone tell me why? It works okay in a query with exactly the same SQL

sqltext = "SELECT tlkpWBS.ID FROM tlkpWBS WHERE tlkpWBS.WBS Like ""115*""; "



Clifford Bass

Hi Eric,

The use of the asterisk is non-standard SQL. So when using ADO you
have to use the standard SQL wild cards. Percent (%) instead of asterisk and
underscore (_) instead of the question mark (?). Also, you do not need the

sqltext = "SELECT tlkpWBS.ID FROM tlkpWBS WHERE tlkpWBS.WBS Like ""115%"""

Clifford Bass


Thank you both for your responses! I'm great at VBA in general, terrible at
databases and SQL.


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